when it is nice to lose a card


I shot an IR 50/50 match last Sat. I lost the 14.5 card and was thrilled.
How you may say
Mr. Doug Bell shot a 250 24x. And the conditions were far from ideal, to say the least
My congradulations on a great card and well deserved. He is a great competitor and I wish hin nothing but the best.

Dean Ackman

p.s. I forgot to mention he also was nice enough to let me beat him on sunday in Wis. hehhe
Hi Dean................Thanks for the compliments. If and when I shoot a good score, you are partially to blame. For a guy who is just getting started, you are at the top of the game already, and are very tough to beat. So I had to turn up the heat a little, to keep you from winning everything.
Congrats on your ARA 2500 score at the New Richmond, Wi gun club yesterday. That speaks volumes on you shooting abilities. Doug