What's for lunch?


Joe Haller

Wondering what you guys and gals prepare for Noon Lunch at your matches.

At our monthly meeting last night we were told that the health department could fine us for preparing meals at the club without a license. Seems a pot luck diner is OK, but if food is prepared at the range like cooking hotdogs or hamburgers, we could get in trouble with a fine and court costs.

Is this just a Michigan law, or are you guy in other states faces with the same problem?

I'm getting paranoid here: Is this is another Obama plot to starve people who like to shoot guns at rifle ranges!

Joe Haller :-(
Dang Joe

that sounds like a commie plot! We have Hotdogs, chips, baked beans some times and at times cold cuts with the fixens and now and again BBQ. Never been told or approched about having a license, don't make good sense, know what I mean?
Sounds like a Northern thing to me. I don't think the health department would have the nerve to do that around here. Besides what would stop you from cooking if you don't sell. You can always take donations. I think they do that at the ARA Nationals.
Sounds like a Northern thing to me. I don't think the health department would have the nerve to do that around here. Besides what would stop you from cooking if you don't sell. You can always take donations. I think they do that at the ARA Nationals.

The last ARA I was at did it that way. Heck, It dont look like they could fine ya for havin a cookout. CVann
Meal at the range

The only people who are subject to health department inspections are for profit orginizations. If you are taking donations only you should be fine..
Don't sound right Joe. If you're selling food, the health department would have a authority to inspect. We include lunch in the cost of registration and everyone eats. Pay for shooting and get a free lunch, not selling anything, also not making any money. If what you were told is true, back yard Bar-B-Q's with friends will need inspection too.


Don't sound right Joe. If you're selling food, the health department would have a authority to inspect. We include lunch in the cost of registration and everyone eats. Pay for shooting and get a free lunch, not selling anything, also not making any money. If what you were told is true, back yard Bar-B-Q's with friends will need inspection too.


We charge $30 for 6 targets, with a free lunch, and still make money for the club!

We charge $30 for 6 targets, with a free lunch, and still make money for the club!


Yes, but, the money you make is from the shooting, not the food. Can't make money on what you give away. At least not in my tax bracket!;)


some health dept. have been getting increasling gestapo like in their rulings. if you arernt charging i dont think i would worry about it.

do they really have time to inspect a group of 20-30 people eating a hotdog?

i doubt it


Yes, but, the money you make is from the shooting, not the food. Can't make money on what you give away. At least not in my tax bracket!;)


That`s why we get so many shooters 6 cards, free food, and the club makes money but only needs to be once.:D

Now on the other hand a big shoot you need to make money on the food too to help pay for the award`s!:eek:
Friendly Family Dinner

After our shoots, we invite everyone to a friendly family get together , where we all visit and feast on the host's vittles.

Joe - It is my understanding that if they are club members even "event members" that the club is exempt from Health department rules. But if the club sells a food product to a non member - then Health Department has jurisdiction.

Tri Town Conservation club in Grattan MI, has a weekly breakfast, which they give an event membership card to all who attend. I was told that this allowed them to sell meals with out Health Department interference.

If you wish more info send PM

some health dept. have been getting increasling gestapo like in their rulings. if you arernt charging i dont think i would worry about it.

do they really have time to inspect a group of 20-30 people eating a hotdog?

i doubt it


That must be one big freakin hotdog.
In a much better world....

if you were at a match and the health dept. showed up and started this sh---, you would just shoot them.

At a benchrest match... is nothing sacred?

The government doesn't pay enough to get people with common sense.


Michigan Health Department

As a thirty Four year member and three term past president of the Harrison Sportsmans Club here in northern Michigan, it has been my experience that the only time we get scrutinized by the health department is at County Fair Time when we open our food wagon to sell for profit. We then have to buy permits and submit to inspections and play by a long list of rules.
Roasting hot dogs at the club or hosting club dinners has never been a hassle...

Harrison, Michigan
I just reread my post...

and sometimes I get carried away. The idea that the gov't thinks a few people at a rifle match need supervision when they roast their weinies leaves me almost speechless.

Nah... I wuz right the first time... shoot the S.O.B.s.

At our monthly meeting last night we were told that the health department could fine us for preparing meals at the club without a license.

Is this just a Michigan law?

Joe Haller :-(


I'll bet the guy who brought this up is not from the health department.

A close friend of mine who was also a lawyer told me once, "The best legal advice is not always the best business advice."

I believe that we could remove the word business from that statement.

The point the lawyer was making was that good legal advice will tell you not to do anything and you will stay out of trouble.

What is the difference between a bunch of friends who are shooters having lunch that they fix themselves and a bunch of friends having a dinner party at someone's house.

Wait until the health department sends you a letter. It may be awhile.

Concho Bill

try the restaurant business sometime and see why so many restaurants close down. food inspectors are the most frustrating people i have ever met.

in my years in the food business the small greasy spoon place always had the best food why because they spent their money and time in preparing the best stuff they could.

ive got food poisening in the high dollar restaurants as well as the little guys.
ive got to tell you if you have ever had food poisening bad it is something else but it can happen anywhere.
