what power does federal use for 25-06




Unlock your caps lock button. It's considered screaming.:(

IMR 4064 works really well. But Federal is probably using something closer to RE-15 or RE-17

Be Careful,
The 25-06 is quite happy fueled by the 4350's , reloader 19 , 4831
VV 165 powders. they will consistantly give you velocity
accuracy and acceptable pressures. 4064 will give you
lots of pressure to achieve what slower powders will do.
Mr Hunter
ATK ownes Federal and Alliant powders. SO it may be something from the Alliant Line up.

Federal is known to use RL 22 for the 100 to 120 grs, and RL 15 for the lighter ones. Also Cooper Arms uses RL 22 in their 25.06s. My personal experience is that RL 22 works great in both of my 25.06s. Both rifles will put 5 shots under an inch @100 yds using it with 110 Accubonds, or any up to 120. I also get the best velocity out of them with this powder. They chronograph between 3000 and 3050 fps with 120 grs.

Good Luck and enjoy
I have had really great luck with two Reloader powders in the 25/06

One gun was a custom Shilen 26" with a 1-12 twist minimum spec short leade chamber. In this gun, the gunsmith in Texas recommended the following load and I never altered the load due to the low pressure and extreme accuracy:

Win Brass
Fed 215
63.0g of R#25
100g Sierra Flat base seated to kiss the lands
3650 fps
3/8" three shot groups at 100 yards
Neck sized the cases for 5 more three shot groups, no pressure signs on case and no loosening of the primer pockets

Win Brass
Fed 215
58.0g of R#25
Sierra 117g Flat Base seated to kiss the lands
3350 fps
.450 three shot groups
the very faintest pressure signs on case head; max load for this rifle; used Bonanza neck sizer to bump back shoulders on cases .002 for subquent firings

The 1-12 twist in this rifle would not stabalize a 100g Sierra BT, Match, or any Nosler bullet, only the 100g Sierra flat base and the 117g Sierra Flat base. These were the loads that were recommended by the gunsmith, he has built a solid business on the Shilen 1-12 with the 100 & 117g Sierra Flat base bullets with these loads. I never tried any other variations on the loads that he recommended due to the extreme accuracy and speed, which is not normal for me to do.

In a Remington Stainless 700 sporter in 25/06 with factory chamber I shot the following load:

Win Brass
WLR primer
100g Speer BT
57.5g of R#19
Bullet seated .040 off the lands
velocity is 3475 fps
1 1/2" groups at 300 yards with a Pentax 6-24
I bump the case shoulders after each firing .002 and have fired the cases in excess of 10 times without full length sizing or trimming
The speer 100g BT is more accurate than the any of the Hornady's, noslers, and Bergers in this gun; the 100g Speer BT is deadly on deer!

The 87g Speer sp is unreal accurate in this sporter with the following load:

Win Brass
CCI 200
87g speer 87g Sp seated .040 off the lands
56.0g of IMR 4350
velocity is 3600
Accuracy is 1 1/2" at 300 yards on 3 shot groups
I also bump the shoulders on the cases after firing this load .002 with the Bonanza/Forester die.

If you want to try these loads in your rifle, back off 4.0g and work your way up to these loads due to lot to lot varitions in pressure and differences in barrels.
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Glad you made that clarification. I love RL-22, but I have found that it has a LOT (no pun intended) of variation from lot to lot. Not so with RL-15. RL-22 does seem to be a powder that works well with the 25-06. I have 3 of them. Oddly enough, they all like different powders for their best load, but they all shoot 100gr. bullets the best. The other 2 did OK with RL-22.

On a different caliber note...........over the years I have owned eight .270's, none now though. They ALL shot 58gr. of H4831 and a 130gr. bullet well. It was a medium power load (for bolt actions only), but I was surprised that they all liked that combination. Never seen that degree of universal acceptance before. If I got another one it would my first "trial" load.
One gun was a custom Shilen 26" with a 1-12 twist minimum spec short leade chamber. In this gun, the gunsmith in Texas recommended the following load and I never altered the load due to the low pressure and extreme accuracy:

Win Brass
Fed 215
58.0g of R#25
Sierra 117g Flat Base seated to kiss the lands
3350 fps
.450 three shot groups
the very faintest pressure signs on case head; max load for this rifle; used Bonanza neck sizer to bump back shoulders on cases .002 for subquent firings

The 1-12 twist in this rifle would not stabalize a 100g Sierra BT, Match, or any Nosler bullet, only the 100g Sierra flat base and the 117g Sierra Flat base. These were the loads that were recommended by the gunsmith, he has built a solid business on the Shilen 1-12 with the 100 & 117g Sierra Flat base bullets with these loads. I never tried any other variations on the loads that he recommended due to the extreme accuracy and speed, which is not normal for me to do.

What???.....are you doing??? Everyone knows the Sierra V Manual is the last word. Max load in the Sierra V Manual for that powder and bullet is 51.4gr. And Sierra has more freebore too. The load your gunsmith advocates is 6.5gr past max. Obviously you don't know what you're doing, and he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. This is very dangerous and irresponsible, also preposterous. You and that so called "gunsmith" are a hazard and will blow yourselves up, also harm everyone around you.

Only Joking!!!! On another board recently there was a big dispute over loads and what it says in some manual. Keith's a friend and we'll often talk about this kind of stuff. Whenever loads are mentioned on a forum, someone always starts pulling numbers out of a manual.
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Sierra provides a starting point.

Last Sunday I used Sierra listed loads for my 6x284 using Accurate Mag Pro for a 87gr V-max I ended the day with 58.5 grs for a MV of 3,495.That's 2 grs over listed max with zero pressure signs