What is competitive


My question is what is competitive in 100/200 yrd heavey varmit?? What group size?? what kind of aggregate is competitive in top level and say at club level today??

Say a fellow who shoots a .213 aggregate at 100yrd HV where MIGHT he end up in todays tough modern competition??

Mark, a .213 agg is great anywhere. The problem is, at the vast majority of Matches, 80 percent of the shooters, and their Rifles, are no where near that.

I don't think there is a difference between "top level" and any where else. Heck, Benchrest Shooters go for broke on a Sunday Afternoon testing session if there are any kind of bragging rights involved.

In all truthfulness, at any match, your Rifle needs to be capable of sub .200 agging capability if you intend to place any where near the top.. And even though you mentioned HV, that holds true for any class. For all purposes, because of the way Benchrest has evolved, a Sporter will shoot just as well as a LV or HV. In fact, 95 percent of all Sporter, LV, and HV shoots are won with a Sporter.........jackie
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Thanks for the reply..I do know the difference between the LV and HV rifles but i dont know what the sporter is??
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I agree with Jackie 100%. However at some ranges due to the normal wind conditions, a teen agg will be needed to win, whereas at others a .25xx or even a .3xxx will win. Then of course there is always the case where a teen agg wins and everyone else shoots a .25xx and greater. Just the nature of this game.

Thanks for all your reply's... appreciate the info.. Maybe im out of line here but somebody should update the RECORDS page if you fellows are shooting agg's in the teens..or someone looking might get the wrong idea of what is what..again thanks for the info..

Any winter HV group matches in south western PA??? I have a HV rifle that i feel could place in the top ten and think i would like to give it a go..

Thanks for all your reply's... appreciate the info.. Maybe im out of line here but somebody should update the RECORDS page if you fellows are shooting agg's in the teens..or someone looking might get the wrong idea of what is what..again thanks for the info..

Any winter HV group matches in south western PA??? I have a HV rifle that i feel could place in the top ten and think i would like to give it a go..

Um, here are the "Records page" HV 100 yard aggregates as listed on this website, what needs to be changed?



Heavy Varmint

Light Varmint
5-5-100 .1283 inches
Steve Kostanich
8/10/2003 .1399 Inches
Rex Reneau
9/6/1982 .1500 Inches
Jeff Fowler
6/11/1994 .1573
Dick Katchmar
4/14/1985 250-23X
Craig Nagel

5-5-200 .1233
Gary Ocock
9/01/2008 .1485
Dennis Thornberry
3/3/1996 .1558
Gene Bukys
9/24/2009 .1523
Larry Cohen
10/26/2003 250-12X
Wayne Corley
Maybe im just being stupid and dont understand what im reading/looking at?? looks like the world record 5/100 LV agg is .150" ??.. and you guy's are saying that group agg's now are in teen's?? to me that seems below .150"
Mark, just to further what Dick said, the definition is, "Sporter Rifle: Any Rifle meeting the same criteria as a LV Rifle except the caliber must be .23 or larger"

The "ugly truth" in Benchrest is that 95 percent of all of the Bag Gun Classes throughout the year are won with a Sporter. I know it is being a little anal, but when you see a ad in the classifieds that says "6PPC LV for sale, what is actually being sold is a NBRSA-IBS Sporter.

In fact, at the last NBRSA Nationals, when they finished with the Sporter 100, 99 9/10 percent of the shooters simply continued on with a Sporter in the LV Class.

Sounds dumb, huh. But that is simply how the Sport has evolved. Heck, if it wasn't for true return to battery Rifles being allowed in Unlimited Class, most of those would probably be won by a Sporter as well..........jackie
Im sorry,no it does not...I think i understand what you are saying... so if group agg fired in competition was a .1852 it would be considered a teen agg.????

With that said, looking at the record page-looks like the 5/100yard LV agg is held by jeff fowler at .1500" and that is the current record??? That is kind of what im asking??

I dont know and im not trying to argue or create controversy for my enjoyment. Just trying to understand what im reading/seeing/hearing????

It seems i have seen some smaller aggs's than that in some match resualts i been looking at???

So my new rifle build in 6mm should be a light varmit, witch is or could be used in sporter class??? That is a 10.5lbs scoped rifle???
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Mark, yes indeed, aggs are shot that do measure smaller than the records, that is, range measured. Keep in mind, all potential records must go through a rigorous proccess of certification, which is carried out by the official Records Committee. The chairman of the NBRSA Records Committee is none other than the current World Champion, Gene Bukys.

The targets are certified by the Referries and Match director, and along with the moving backers, are sent to the chairman of the records committee. He covers all measurements on the target, and sends the targets to each member of the records committee, there are three. Each of these members measures the targets, and submitts his findings to the chairman. He then sends the targets to the next committee member. After all have submitted their measurements, the Chairman then averages these, and that is what is recorded as the official measurement.

Records are very important. We do not want any records that are suspect, hense, this system is is place.

I was honored to have an aggregate submitted this past year for the HV 100. The range measurements were indeed phenominol, but after the scrutiny of the committee, it did not quite make it. Since they were shot with a 30 caliber, I might get a friend to take some good quality pictures and post them. They were not a record, but they sure look nice.......jackie

Mark, if you do not know, we have the NBRSA and IBS Rule Books on Site. Go bak to the home page, click on either Sanctioning Bodies Icon on the right, and follow from there.
To answer your question, on one day he might win the whole shootin match and on another he would do good to wind up mid pack. A lot of the time scores depend on the range coditions. I have seem a .29 win many times during tough switchy conditions and I have seen .21 wind up in 15th out of 30 places.