What does it take to shoot a "zero" at 200 yards?

JD Mock

New member
1. Luck
2. A good barrel (Krieger 14 twist, cut off and rechambered)
3. Good bullets (Hottenstein 68 BT)
4. Good powder (29.3 gr. N133 '08)
5. Luck
6. Good conditions (right to left wind at ~ 5 mph)
7. Good scope (36X Valdada BR)
8. Luck
9. Shoot 3-shot groups
10. Good platform (BAT B / Leonard stock)

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For me it would have been keeping that 5th shot in the same place as the other 4.
I had one at the crawfish in 03 or 04 until the last shot. But then again thats why we shoot 5 and not 4. hehehehe.
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Is that Libby's record target from the last St Louis Nationals?

I ain't sure you could set the target up on a mill, indicate the mothball, and bore a hole any close to center.

Darn, that's pretty...........jackie
Jackie, Libby's was much prettier...since it was 5-shots and in a registered match. I will attempt to post a picture of his. James
Also look up Johnny Stewarts .075 200 yard record setting target shot at the Unaka match in 2009.
"2. A good barrel (Krieger 14 twist, cut off and rechambered)"

JD, ya must of thought highly of this tube from the beginning.... 2nd chambering... Did it really "wake-up" more or is it "just as good as original chamber"....

I've seen this where a darn good barrel, rechambered on 2nd full chambering, the barrel shoots lights out.!.. All be it 400-500 rds ..but SHOOTS.!

PERDY centered group...!!!

The barrel is cut off and rechambered, but not because it was worn out. The original owner of the barrel decided to save some money on chambering and had a local guy with a lathe chamber it for him. Not only did he mess up the threads on the barrel, but he also galled the action threads in his BAT action. The owner then carried the "mess" to Dwight and had him repair the action threads and rechamber the barrel. Both the action and the barrel are doing fine after reconstructive sugery. I don't own the action, but the 20 inch barrel is a real shooter. Our gunsmiths are NOT overpaid...so the moral of this story is , "Don't skimp on having your barrel chambered."
Good shooting....James

The above image is a group that I shot with my new varmint rifle. A Remington 700 with 14 twist Shilen/ Canjar 2 oz. It was barreled by Brian Voelker.
This is "THE" group shot by Tom Libby at St. Louis 5 shots/200 yards with Bishop/Libby bullets.
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I have added a couple pictures to my original post. After a computer crash, I had to search for the Libby photo and I found it as a thumbnail and this is truly the most astonishing group that I have ever seen. Good shooting...James
James and Glenn: Now that's impressive. :cool:

Shot this on a perfect morning. It was one of those days where the air was crystal clear, you could see the mirage just slightly running r-l and the dot in the scope was like it was welded on the target.


Still a long way from and .077 and .078 fired in registered competition, though..... -Al
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Al, that is VERY impressive. I guess those ol' thirty's do shoot fairly well. The group looks smaller than .119. Good shooting...James