What do you make of this?



A new 6mm 8T stainless match grade barrel chambered in 6mm Dasher. It hasn't shot since day one. It now has 300 rounds on it. I take it off hoping to find something/anything wrong. Indicate it in the lathe, use long point .0000 indicator to reach rifling. I get a reading of .0008 from land to groove at the breech and .004 at the muzzle. I am thinking soft steel. What is your opinion? Jackie
Of hummers & Bummers:

I have one of them Jackie. I have a barrel that would not shoot for me or several other people who tried. I know the "Platform" to be good but that barrel would never shoot. It would make a great Hunting Rifle barrel but that's it. Some of em just don't shoot up to the standards we are use to. In my opinion, the makers should take those few back and replace them with two, to cover the cost of the work done to the first one. Heck, we pay for a Super Match Grade barrel, we should receive exactly that.
So your getting bigger At the muzzel. Sounds like the end needed to be cut off , Usually after lapping there is a bell at the muzzel.
Theres usually a mark if its a quality barrel. You also have to specify finished length,
I think what he is saying is that the lands at the throat are worn to near nothing and the lands at the muzzle are a "good" .004" tall.

Jackie, I assume the indicator is past the throat. How about carbon buildup in the lands after the throat? That's just a SWAG. Soft metal or maybe the bore was belled at the breech end badly during drilling, producing a shallow(short) land.

Maybe it is a bad bbl. Let us know what ya find.--Mike Ezell
About two months ago I had a new Barrel from one of the top barrel makers that was chambered by one of the best smith's and in spite of the best of plarforms of everything , it just would not shoot.. It was a 1/2 MOA barrel and no better.. It was also a 6 dasher 8 twist..
it has found a new home and He is currently having it re chambered and or rehead spaced.. I used up hundreds of $'s components trying to get it to shoot.. George take your own advice and sell it to one of your Buddys (g)
Doc Stone
I think what he is saying is that the lands at the throat are worn to near nothing and the lands at the muzzle are a "good" .004" tall.

Jackie, I assume the indicator is past the throat. How about carbon buildup in the lands after the throat? That's just a SWAG. Soft metal or maybe the bore was belled at the breech end badly during drilling, producing a shallow(short) land.

Maybe it is a bad bbl. Let us know what ya find.--Mike Ezell
Mike. Yes, that is what I am saying. This thing is almost a smoothe bore ahead of the throat, how far, I don't know for sure.
Jackie, Since it never shot well from the start, I'd lean toward a belled breech from whatever. If that's the case, it may be worth setting it back and trying it again. If the metal is soft, it should go back to the maker. I'd slug the first inch of the breech and then the muzzle to try and determine groove diameter. I don't think the grooves should wear away as fast as the lands will. You might be able to decide from that whether it's worth a rechamber or just a trip back from where it came. From what you and G have said, I agree that the barrel is bad. Question is, is the problem just for a couple inches or a heat treat issue that is probably all the way through and end to end. Just my .02---Mike
Mike. Over the years I have rechambered some barrels that didn't shoot like they should have. It didn't improve any of them. Jackie
There must be a rash of "bummer" 6mm 8 twist barrels...I have a friend that has bought two of them and had one rechambered with no improvement...one was chambered as a 6BR and the other a 6 Dasher...my friend also has a 7 twist 22 BR that is a "dog"...he has wasted much money on components...:mad:
I know what you're saying, but the first 30 Major barrel that I put on my white gun was a turd on two other guns, but after a setback it was fantastic for a looong time before it finally went away. I got it from Rick. He and John both shot it afterward and agreed it was a whole different barrel. I don't think that's what you have here though. Sounds like a call to the maker is in order. I have one coming in that I chambered a while back that shot great for a while and has gone away after a few hundred rounds. I made mention to him after chambering it that it just felt "soft" when maching it and that I was interested in how it held up. I brought that up to him the other day on the phone and he said, now that you mention it, I do remember you saying that. PM me the maker. They may be from the same batch.--Mike
i think i was talking to big g when when he was trying this rifle out. i hope he gets it taken care of. if it can be done his smith will get it done i'm sure!!! there is no doult about that at all!!!
A new 6mm 8T stainless match grade barrel chambered in 6mm Dasher. It hasn't shot since day one. It now has 300 rounds on it. I take it off hoping to find something/anything wrong. Indicate it in the lathe, use long point .0000 indicator to reach rifling. I get a reading of .0008 from land to groove at the breech and .004 at the muzzle. I am thinking soft steel. What is your opinion? Jackie

If I understand, you are saying the rifling is 0.0008" tall at the breech and 0.004" tall at the muzzle?

Before I talked to the manufacturer I'd slug both ends. Slug the breech about 2-3" then push the slug back out, then repeat the process at the muzzle. Then push a slug all the way through. You will be surprised what this might tell you. It will at least give you leverage with the barrel maker who owes you a new barrel!!
Yes Jerry, that is what I am getting, or very close anyway. I will slug it before it goes back.
Wanna talk about a "Bummer Barrel"

Many years ago I had a rail gun built by a top name Gunsmith who fitted it with a well known top name barrel that will remain nameless.It was a 14 twist 1.5" straight taper barrel in 6-PPC. It would shoot 3/4" all day long. I had never owned a bag gun before or since that couldn't easily beat it. It was rechambered , recrowned rebedded in the barrel block several times nothing helped. It was sent back to the manufacturer who inspected and measured it and said it was a good barrel and returned it to me. I finally gave up and ordered another barrel from the same barrel maker and it shot quite well. I never knew what was wrong with that barrel but the manufacturer eventually issued me a cerificate for another barrel which I passed on to a friend.

Some Barrels just plain don't shoot at all.

My 6mm 1in8 Dasher shoots like crap too. Nothing I do makes any difference. I can shoot it clean, shoot it dirty, different bullets, vary the charge, vary the seating depth and it shoots the same all the time.