What are my 40X trigger options?



I have a CMP 40X based on the 722 action. I shoot NRA prone so I don't need a 1.5 ounce trigger. In fact NRA rules call for a 3 pound trigger but nobody obeys cept at Perry I reckon:)

Anyhow I want a better trigger. The Jewell HVR seemed liked a no-brainer. Then I did some searching here and found some folks claimed a reduction in accuracy??? That I can't handle! Now I am confused about what I should buy. Not even sure I know what my options are.

So, lets say I want to be able to go from a few ounces to 3 pounds by changing springs/adjustments/whatever. I'd like to have a bolt release. It must be reliable as accidential discharges aren't tolerated. It needs to go for 300 shots in a match without attention. I'm inclined to say "no" reduction in accuracy but I reckon I could handle a slight amount. However it needs to be good enough that I never question if my new high dollar trigger just cost me a point.

Please advise. I don't have much experience with aftermarket triggers of this class and I don't have the money to make a mistake.



NRA rules haven't to my knowledge required a 3lb pull since the early 60's. Time for an up to date rule book.
Give Timney a try it won't cost that arm and leg.

Have you tried adjusting your 40X trigger..?? Unless it was replaced with a Jewell or Shilen or another competition trigger, or came with a factory 2 oz trigger, you can probably adjust your current trigger to around three pounds..

If it can't be adjusted, you can buy a factory Remingtomn 700 trigger and replaced the one that is in your action.. In fact, I have a factory trigger for your rifle. If you are interested, contact me at dsnaphoto@aol.com

I played a lot with 40X triggers 4 or 5 years ago. I could get all below 2 lbs and a few below 1 lb! (Some were better than others)
Visit team40x and go to the Good Reading page.
If that doesn't help then email me!
When I bought a Jewel I quit playing but I had learned a lot in the meantime!!
Or get the Jewell HVR. There's no accuracy loss. Lots of BR shooters use them in their Sporter rifle because it can have a built in safety.
I seem to recall quite a few of the guys here seem to like the Kelbly trigger in their rf 40Xs. Only thing there is that I don't know whether it's available with a bolt stop or safety.
Okay guys, I wasn't sure how to view the 3 pound rule. It is in the current rule book, so I felt it wise to get a trigger that could be set to that level. The stock trigger isn't bad, and I have messed with it, but I do want lighter/better.

German, thanks for that suggestion. I shoot at HRPC ,where you were once a member, so you know who I am up against. I'm tired of "someone" acting like nothing can beat a Gemini stocked Anschutz. Sure wish I had the money to send my gun off the Alex Sitman. Maybe when I get the daughter through college. For the time being I'm hoping a better trigger will help. I managed to shot expert class in my first (ever) match and if I can pick up one more point per target I can make master. Wouldn't hurt if I shot something better than Federal 711B either. But hey, we make do with what we can bring to the dance.

So I'll order the Jewell HVR and give no thoughts to those who claimed a reduction in accuracy.

P.S. Anyone know for sure if my old 40X trigger can replace the one in a Remy 700 LTR in .308?
Jewell. I've had 'em on 40X's for years and have yet to have a problem. The rifles shoot pretty good too. Adjusted correctly, they're as good as it gets.
Jackson or Anschutz

You may want to check the rules, believe that the total trigger pull would be 3 lbs. If you use a 2 stage trigger, this would be the pull weights of stages 1 and 2 combined.

The Jacson trigger comes in a 2 stage, and I know Niel Johnson installs Anschutz triggers on Reminton actions. Had seen a thread which indicated a Briley type adapter is not used. Belive he charges $125 plus the trigger.

Many feel the Anschutz is the best 2 stage trigger out there.
Grin and bear it huh? Is that what you did? Sorta like the way a pit bull grins when a cat bares its ass?

Man I wish you were still around. What I'd give for an afternoon or two of good coaching.

Russ-for questions about what Jewell will fit what give Jewell a call. Very nice gentleman to work with. He will ask what spring you want in the trigger when he ships it. There are a couple options.
Here is the strait skinny direct from the online NRA rule book. Two rules, 3.1 and 3.2 According to rule 3.1 a 3 pound trigger must be used. HOWEVER every match program I have seen states the match will be run by rule 3.2 which has no trigger weight limit. Anyhow 99% of Anschutzes would be banned if matches were run by rule 3.1. Why the rule is still there I don't know. I can only guess it is left over from the sixties during a period when the 3 pound trigger was being dropped. I do remember as a junior shooter we used 3 lbs in the 50's, but by the time I started shooting with adults in the 60's the 3 lb rule was gone.

3.1 The Rifle - The rifle authorized for use in smallbore rifle matches is the .22 caliber rimfire chambered for
cartridges commercially catalogued as the “.22 Short,” “.22 Long,” or “.22 Long Rifle” cartridges. There are no
restrictions on the barrel length or overall weight of the rifle and accessories. No portion of the rifle or any
attachment to the rifle shall extend more than 3 inches beyond the rear of the shooter’s shoulder. The trigger pull
must be capable of lifting 3 pounds. The same rifle must be used throughout all stages of any one match (except
aggregate) except in the case of a malfunction or disabled rifle, when the competitor may change rifles with
permission of the Chief Range Officer.

3.2 Any Rifle - A rifle authorized for use in smallbore rifle matches using cartridges commercially catalogued
as the “.22 Short,” “.22 Long” or “.22 Long Rifle” cartridges. There are no restrictions on the barrel length or overall
weight of the rifle and accessories. No portion of the rifle or any attachment to the rifle shall extend more than 3
inches beyond the rear of the shooter’s shoulder. A butt plate conforming with NRA Rule 3.15 may be used.
“Around the body, or “around the shoulder hooks are not permitted. The same rifle must be used throughout all
stages of any one match (except aggregate) except in the case of a malfunction or disabled rifle when the
competitor may change rifles with permission of the Chief Range Officer. In NRA 3 Position Course shooting this
Rule will govern the conduct of the match and may not be waived by the Match Sponsor.
Just a question, don't know cuz I don't shoot NRA, evidently there must be a rule about it; why have to have a bolt release? And a safety? Thanks, Douglas
A bolt release and safety are not required for NRA smallbore 3p 4p or prone. A bolt release would be for convenience. Safety is keeping the action open except when the range officer says you may load. Actions are checked at the end of each string to make sure they are open before the line is declared safe. A yellow action flag has been required the last couple of years. A regular benchrest trigger would be just fine.