Well Advertised Harrison Sportsman's Club 100 Yard Score Match


New member
On Saturday July 13, 2019 there will be a 100 Yard Score Match at Harrison Sportsman's Club. Shooting starts promptly at 10:00 AM so we recommend getting there sometime around 9:30 to get signed in, set up, and chug a refreshing glass of delicious coffee prepared by yours truly. Its $15 at the door and we provide prizes for any class that has 3 or more shooters. Don't forget to stay after and collect your winnings. :)

We can't wait to see you there!

Eric Simmons

P.S.- Don't forget your A-Game.
When would me not be there stop anyone? Hope Eric wins as he's been on a roll for a while now.

Jeff Aberegg
Take it easy on this old guy; the young one is making it tough for everyone. I never liked young folks.......except female ones.
But listen.......everyone is welcome to attend our match at Harrison July 13. In fact I think I’ll shower tonight to get ready for it. Or maybe not.
Eric doesn’t have to shower; no one will stay close to him Saturday. He has Paul’s rifle really shooting. Did you think he’s shooting his equipment? He’s good and he’s smart.