Webster City, Iowa IBS results 9-11/9-12

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
Another two day Score event at Webster City to finish the season. As always, Sat. is the 6 Power guns (both Hunter and Varmint Hunter classes) at 100 and 200 yards, plus a VfS event for those that don't shoot the 6 Power guns. Winds were brisk and the mirage was tricky, as always. There was only one VH gun, so that score is lumped in with the Hunter rifles for ease of posting.

Saturdays scores in the 6 Power at 100 yards (12 shooters)
1. Richard Hunnewell 250-16X
2. Craig Nagel 250-14X
3. Dean Walther 250-12X
4. LaVerne Nelson 250-11X
Al Nyhus 250-11X (VH class)
5. Michael Hagerty 250-10X

At 200 yards:
1. Dean Walther 245-3X
Al Nyhus 245-3X (VH class)
2. Richard Hunnewell 244-5X
3. LaVerne Nelson 243-3X
4. Chad Schmidt 242-4X
5. Larry Kuemper 240-4X

Grand Agg:
1. Dean Walther 495-15X (his first Hunter Grand win - nice job, Dean!)
Al Nyhus 495-14X (VH class)
2. Richard Hunnewell 494-21X
3. LaVerne Nelson 493-14X
4. Chad Schmidt 491-20X
5. Craig Nagel 490-17X

Sat. VfS scores:
100 yds.
1. 'Terrible' Terry Meyer 250-16X
2. Bob Rhynalds 250-8X
3. Mike Shapoval 247-10X
4. Bill Leer 245-11X
5. Randy Robinett (aka: 'Double Dot'.) 242-16X

200 yds.
1. Randy Robinett 247-7X
2. Terry Meyer 244-3X
3. Bill Leer 239-2X
4. Bob Rhynalds 237-4X
5. Mike Shapoval 237-4X

VfS Grand:
1. Terry Meyer 494-19X
2. Randy Robinett 489-23X
3. Bob Rhynalds 487-12X
4. Mike Shapoval 484-14X
5. Bill Leer 484-13X

Sunday's winds were a bit more managable at 100 but kicked up a bit at 200 with some switchy mirage tossed in to keep things interesting.

VfS 100 yds. (17 shooters)
1. Dean Walther 250-23X
2. Al Nyhus 250-22X
3. Robert Berger 250-21X
4. Mike Bigelow 250-20X
5. Jason Stanley 250-19X

VfS 200 yds.
1. Mike Bigelow 248-4X
2. Chad Schmidt 247-4X
3. Jason Stanley 247-3X
4. Robert Berger 246-5X
5. Al Nyhus 245-3X

VfS Grand Agg
1. Mike Bigelow 498-24X
2. Jason Stanley 497-22X
3. Chad Schmidt 497-19X
4. Robert Berger 496-26X
5. Al Nyhus 495-25X

Two Gun Grand Agg:
1. Al Nyhus 990-39X
2. Dean Walther 989-48X
3. Chad Schmidt 989-39X
4. Richard Hunnewell 985-43X
5. LaVerne Nelson 982-41X

We ended the season on a bittersweet note. We paused for a moment of silent reflection to remember the victims and families of 9-11 as well as the brave men and women that have made the ultimate sacrifice since then.

Our good friend and competitor Roy Oines of Onalaska, Wisconsin, passed away suddenly in July. Before the warm up match at 100 on Saturday, everyone sent a round downrange in memory of Roy. He was a quiet man with a heart of gold and will never be forgotten.

Good shootin'. :) -Al
I bet that was a fun match.....What a bunch of great guys.

Good shooting all!

Matt Guthrie