Webster City IA, IBS group schedule


New member
Anyone know if the IBS group schedule calendar is complete?

Webster City Iowa has only one group match listed for the year (the Iowa state 2-gun), just wondering if they scrubbed the august group match or if it’s a calendar omission.

Yes Jim

Anyone know if the IBS group schedule calendar is complete?

Webster City Iowa has only one group match listed for the year (the Iowa state 2-gun), just wondering if they scrubbed the august group match or if it’s a calendar omission.


There is only 1 group match at Webster City this year. Next choice is Oak Hills Gun Club in Davenport or Council Bluffs Rifle and Pistol club on the other side of the state.

Thanks David,

Are Davenport and Council Bluffs holding registered group matches this year? If not I guess KC would be the next closest registered group match at ~300 miles.

Hope to see you at the Iowa state (Sunday for HV) if everything works out. Be sure to bring your shadow chasing pup! :D
Have not heard from Council Bluffs, but Davebport is holding registered matches. And max will be there w/ all her craziness!!!
Do any of you have web-site for Oak Hills Gun Club in Davenport or Council Bluffs Rifle and Pistol club for schedules??

I tried a web search, but did not come up with much.

Near Davenport by a town called Blue Grass. You can't get much further away from Nebraska and still be in Iowa. Doc does a good job of running the matches. They are 1 day matches, shooting Lv one month and Hv the next. Both 100 and 200 yds are shot for a grand.

Thanks again Dave, was looking for ranges closer to eastern Nebraska.
Thanks again Dave, was looking for ranges closer to eastern Nebraska.

Hi Neil,
Eastern NE is very close to western IA, are you from the Omaha area? :)
What kind of shooting are you looking to do, NBRSA/IBS group, or score, or club matches?

Council Bluffs had lots of club matches both rimfire and center fire last year. They’ve also held NBRSA group matches in the past. I can PM you the phone number of the person to contact for their schedule if you’d like. I plan on making some of their matches this year but I don’t have the schedule yet.

Sioux City IA had a couple of rimfire matches and a 1-2-300 yard prairie dog shoot last year. It’s a nice 300 yard range with 20 covered benches.

Webster City is a beautiful range and well worth the trip! Their match schedule is on the IBS website.

Mill Creek in KC would probably be the closest NBRSA group match from Omaha unless Council Bluffs starts having them again.

Thanks Jim, I'm from Lincoln. I shoot IBS center fire for Score, 1K BR and F-Class. Right now I go to Pella, Webster City, Easter NE., and Mill Creek. I like to go to one or two new to me ranges a year. One of the new one's this year will be Lodi, WI., for F-Class Nationals.

If you can give me the info on Council Bluffs and Sioux City IA, that would be great.

Thanks again Jim!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully we’ll bump into each other at a match this year.

I’ll send you a PM with the Council Bluffs contact info.
If you know Ron Miller I’m sure he could fill you in on the club match details. I don’t believe they have a website but they had a very full club match calendar last year.

The Sioux City website is here:
But I just noticed their “shooting” calendar lists the nasscar race schedule, guess that explains why the only had one 300-yard PD shoot last year LOL. :D
