We lost Mke Rydquist this weekend...........


Bryan Armatys
Mike's daughter Tiffany sent me an e-mail this morning. Mike died in a hunting accident over the weekend. He was very involved in Benchrest
competition in the New Mexico and Colorado areas a few years ago. He helped me a lot when I was starting, and I am sure he extended his
help to a lot of other new shooters. That was what made Mike tic.
I have no details, but none are required...............Many fellow shooters will miss him..............
Bryan Armatys

Mike left the range way too soon. He hauled my butt down to Raton a few times when I first started shooting down there. I recall one time in particular after stinking the place up, we were heading back "up the hill" to Colorado and I felt lower then whale droppings. He looked over, laughed, and said something to the effect of "well hell, let's get a burrito", and we pulled over and found a couple at some Interstate dive. I don't know why, but that sort of put the thing in perspective. He also introduced me to Del Bishop which was a great experience. I have a feeling they're both at a heavenly range shooting screamers. Isn't that what a heavenly range is all about? He lost his wife a few years back, at least they're together again.

Thanks, Bryan.

RIP Mike..... Scott
Oh what terrible news.

Many fellow shooters will miss him..............
Bryan Armatys

Awful News........... Gosh ... Just terrible.! Mike was a such a great guy to shoot with.... God Bless Mike.
Thanks Bryan for informing.

it is a shame, he was OK, sad that we lose some all the time, Jefferson