Wayne Lapierre's (sp) speach

please not "armed guards"..nor .rent a cop...but trianed professional......people with the experience to deal with problems....

Sounds like Wayne is calling for armed guards at schools........ Wilber, delete if too political
My wife mentioned (on her Facebook page) that there are LOTS of trained Vets looking for work - and this would be an opportunity. One of them answered that his group would love the work and wouldn't even need to be carrying guns - they were trained to take out a trained threat even without them.
My wife mentioned (on her Facebook page) that there are LOTS of trained Vets looking for work - and this would be an opportunity. One of them answered that his group would love the work and wouldn't even need to be carrying guns - they were trained to take out a trained threat even without them.

What a SUPER idea!!! And one that would no doubt meet with immediate success... Unfortunately, in this day & time, good common sense ideas such as this would most likely end up being a hard sell. I will never understand why that is, but it just is...
What a SUPER idea!!! And one that would no doubt meet with immediate success... Unfortunately, in this day & time, good common sense ideas such as this would most likely end up being a hard sell. I will never understand why that is, but it just is...

How many school are there in this country? My daughter who is an elementary school teacher with 20 years experience who has never fired a handgun. She is 4'-11" and sharp as a tack. She told her mother that if she could have a gun she would blow away anyone who was trying to kill her kids. It is it going too far to train teachers who are willing how to handle and shoot a weapon and no longer have schools as "gun free zones". Teachers care about kids and they are leaders.
The way I took the speech was that (QUALIFIED) Armed Guards were to be HIRED, not to train teachers as AG's.
My wife mentioned (on her Facebook page) that there are LOTS of trained Vets looking for work - and this would be an opportunity. One of them answered that his group would love the work and wouldn't even need to be carrying guns - they were trained to take out a trained threat even without them.

And I thought that McGiver stuff was just a Hollywood fantasy. So they are trained to overcome real bullets....without themselves being armed by real guns with real bullets?
I can see this workin' out real well. Perhaps they now have semi-auto tazers that are effective from 100 feet.
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The entire event was televised on CSpan.org.

You don't think for one minute that CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC or any of the other propaganda arms of the left would show it do you??


Jerry, I think you accidentally listed FOX under the left wing media. THey are anything but. They've been playing snips of the speech all morning.
In my state of Pennsylvania in my area (rural) High Schools compete in rimfire matches against one-another @ the school or @ a local club range, and to the best of my knowledge there has never been any sort of incident, from my understanding their grades and their conduct have to be good. We also have the Daisy BB Gun Matches in my area @ Clubs for children up to 16 years old. It is really something, the parent or guardian has to load and cock the rifle, the child shoots the rifle @ 17 feet @ a bullseye target 10 shots from all four positions, the child puts the gun down on the floor on a sandbag and the lever better be opened and the safe on and pointed down range because the Rangemaster walks down the line and checks and will let the child and parent know about it and ask why. The kids love this and get to socialize w/ other kids from other school districts. The Clubs usually have extra rifles on hand for people that can't afford their own, some stocks are cut for the little ones, etc, iron sights only. Local business' donate for the BBs and sponsor a team and supply T-Shirts w/ a League Logo on. If you do a search on the internet you'll find this program by Daisy. It's amazing.
something for you who watch the speech to consider...just how much of your rights have been compromised by the current president....

this speach was intrupted by protestors...when was the last time you saw the pres intrupted by protestors...never...
they are kept away or arrested...free speech in the form of a protest is not allowed anywhere near the pres.....

now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast...

mike in co
If someone breaks into your home and threatens you and your loved ones with serious harm you will use a gun, knife, vaseball bat, knitting needle, bar of soap, rock...anything to defend yourself. Parents march their kids off to school, concentrate them all in one location, with a known problem of wackos attacking schools....with NO protection except locked doors and a plan to huddle in a dark corner. To me that is a bit incongruous!!
Maybe we should learn how the schools in Israel protect their students from terrorists and thugs. They have had NO incidents in schools. Kids there are used to seeing guns. I believe that the presence of a trained person, perhaps a teacher, secretary, or other personel with a concealed gun would be a terrific form of security. Of course there are those who find this repugnant, but what would they suggest? We must choose wisely.....our kids deserve no less.
At first I was shocked by the protesting nut cases.
But after a few minutes I realized, this is brilliant! I hope the NRA sends them both a nice fruit cake and thank you card for Christmas.:D
My first thought would be that this would be a very expensive operation to pay all of these guards. When you think about it, there are armed guards at banks, courthouses, sporting events, and many other things. I still like the idea of allowing teachers to be allowed to carry concealed weapons. It would be a big deterrent if the criminals did not know who was packing heat.