Walt Berger Passes

James A. Kelbly

New member
Walt Berger passed away yesterday (9-19-21) after a few days in Hospice. He was a child hood hero of mine and good friend of mine and my family. Walt was a driving force in many types of shooting discipline's but short range benchrest was his passion. May he rest in peace.

Your in our prayers.

Becky and I will miss our dear friend. He taught me a lot regarding benchrest loading and shooting in the short time we were acquainted. His presence meant so much to so many. You are missed.
I turned on my computer only to start the week with this sad news. Walt taught me so so much about shooting and bullet making when I first entered into benchrest. My first point into the NBRSA Hall of Fame was earned in Midland, TX 1978 when it came down to Walt and I winning the HV 100 yard agg. We were sitting side by side and I shot a .190 and just beat Walt with a .2990 100 yard agg. and Walt with a .3000. Walt got up and gave me a big congratulatory bear hug even though I had just beat him.
Walt demonstrated true sportsmanship, enthusiasm for our sport and elevated the entire world's ability to shoot with superior bullets that the general public had never experienced.
He was the "TRUE GENTLEMAN" of benchrest and I and the world will miss his gentle speech and love for the sport he gave so much too and gave him so much in return.
We are diminished,
Walt Berger passed away yesterday (9-19-21) after a few days in Hospice. He was a child hood hero of mine and good friend of mine and my family. Walt was a driving force in many types of shooting discipline's but short range benchrest was his passion. May he rest in peace.


An icon in the shooting world has passed,we are diminished. Condolences to the family.it was great watching Dave H. Take care of his grandpa at Ben Avery BR matches the last few years.
RIP Walt
Walt Berger passing

I meant WALT in 1997, I have know him, before but that is the day I met him. RIP WALT

Like Bill, I too met both Walt and Eunice in '97 at the SS. They purchased the first two ( new on the market) wooden cartridge boxes I introduced, not that they needed them. What a grand and loved couple. So sad...
What a terrible shame. When I first met Walt I was impressed by how he took an interest in just everyone. He also had an enormous pile of candy on his loading benches that he handed out ad hoc to anyone passing by. Me included. And, by the end of the week I couldn’t believe it was all gone! Though I never got to see Walt more than a couple of times a year he was always quick to come over to say hi, shake my hand, spend time chatting and wish me luck for the shoot. And to offer candy. He spoke fondly of his trips to New Zealand and I’d show him photos of my latest fishing or hunting adventure. He always had a cheeky grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye. A true gentleman. A true pioneer of this wonderful sport and of excellent bullets. He will be missed. Thoughts and prayers go out to both the wider Benchrest family and to the extended Berger family as we mourn what is a great loss. We are indeed diminished. Rest easy Walt. Go well.
Peter Haxell
The true icon of Benchrest
Your contribution was huge
You will be missed by all
May he rest in peace.

Dan Lutke
The words won't come that could adequately express how I came to appreciate Walt Berger during my years of involvement in benchrest. He was a man among men to say the least !

May God richly bless our friend Walt Berger. He will be greatly missed by his friends and family here on Earth.

Gene Beggs
So long Walt

I first met Walt in October 1983 when he invited me to his home to see how he made bullets. He was set up in a small bedroom of his house in Phoenix and made bullets while we watched the World Series ball game on TV. I mentioned that he was watching TV and not looking at the bullet making and he said "Gene, it is all done by feel and if I were to hire someone to do this it could be a blind person".
He handed me 100 62 gr. and 100 68 gr. and asked to give them a try.
So I did a few months later at Visalia and got lucky and won both Sporter and HV Grand Aggs.
When I drove home on Sunday night I got home at almost midnight and called him on the phone (no cell phones then).
He answered with "Hello, who is this and what do you want at this time of the night?"
I told him who I was asked him if he was awake then told him what had transpired at Visalia over the weekend using his bullets to which he replied " I'm awake now!"
We talked for about an hour and thus began the beginning of a great friendship that I will cherish forever.

My condolences to his family and friends...He will be missed!
Walt, I miss you already. He was such a great help when I first started making bullets. He was so patient with me in answering all my questions and critiquing my bullets, never critical or negative. A true gentleman, I am saddened.
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