Visit by the ATF..


New member
This afternoon I had a visit from the ATF to go over my books. To my surprise it was a very professional and nice female that was real easy on the eyes. She spent 3 and a half hours reviewing my books. She cited me on not havig my customers dirvers lisence number on two 4473s. It sure feels good since she left.
This afternoon I had a visit from the ATF to go over my books. To my surprise it was a very professional and nice female that was real easy on the eyes. She spent 3 and a half hours reviewing my books. She cited me on not havig my customers dirvers lisence number on two 4473s. It sure feels good since she left.

It is a good feeling!
This afternoon I had a visit from the ATF to go over my books. To my surprise it was a very professional and nice female that was real easy on the eyes. She spent 3 and a half hours reviewing my books. She cited me on not havig my customers dirvers lisence number on two 4473s. It sure feels good since she left.

Lets hope she won't come back, to ram you to the wall.

Shoot well
I should be so lucky.every 2-3 years I get two agents and they stay at least 4 days,

Chuck. mean they don't use the opportunity to fine you and cover their time and the costs of running the agency?
Heck...even the courts here charge you a " $75 administrative court fee" when you get a traffic infraction. Somebody's got to pay that judge $139,000 a year to work 6 hours a day you know! (Lord knows we don't pay enough in taxes already.)We had one judge that use to sit there and clean his pistol while the trial was going on.

Wonder how long before BATF get's around to doing that? Maybe under Hillary?

I know a guy who ran a small company of about 15 people manufacturing wooden pallets here in Houston. The last time OSHA went to visit him, they checked out the small room where the employees sit to have their lunch, and wrote him a $500 ticket for the hazard of having placed the toaster too close to the sink.

In my business the inspectors arrive at the construction sights as if they are like high dollar meter maids. One guy was overheard stepping out of his white government car making the remark " Ok...Let's see how much money I can raise here today".

You're fortunate that they don't stick you with fines per violation.....yet.
A BATF agent does not fine but you do get a very nasty letter stating that a repeate violation will be considered a willful attempt to violate the law and you are subject to loss of FFL, fines, imprisonment ect.and this is just for minor clerical mistakes that would not impead a trace request or investigation.

Rusty years ago an old shooting partner owned a gun shop. One morning a little cuttie from the BATF paid him a visit. Word spread rather quickly that he was being audited. One of the first people to visit Jimmy that morning was the head of the local FBI office. He walks up to Jim, whispers to him asking if Jim got those unregistered silencers in that he ordered. Not to be outdone the next one in was the commander of the state police post looking for some kits to convert AR-15's to full auto. The whole day was a continious parade of Jim's "friends" stopping by, trying to be of some assistance. Good thing the young lady had a sense of humor.

She did get him for having a handgun that was brought in for repair and not being properly logged in. Poor Jimmy was sweating peach pits:D
So what happens if the customer's don't drive? An agency which is dedicated to making sure your papers are in order should not exist in a free society. Regards, Bill.
If it was D. Watson she is very professional and courteous. She's the one that nailed me for running a business against my sub-division covenants (although everything else was in fine shape) and smiled all the way through it :(
I think we all would like to slam the ATF since there have been past abuses, but I have to say during recent audits of my shop, the agents have been very professional and courteous and not unfair in their assesments. The same agent that monitored my home shop also audited my "day job" employer where he found a few mistakes and rightfully placed a complaint against the company. Any government interference in business is a pain, but in my area I don't see abuse of power.

I have to reluctantly agree that the BATFE agents out here on the Left Coast have also been fairly reasonable. I remember being set up twice in attempted stings in MN while working in a gun store. I was left with a sour enough taste that to this day I don't want an FFL. I'll pay a full-time pro for the service. I've got a couple acquaintances who run explosive supply houses and offer blasting services and they have to be on a weekly first name basis with the agents .... they're poorly regulated, have poorly defined regulations of their own and have an inordinate amount of clout but they try to be human :)

Except when the issue of pyrotechnics comes up, for some reason they're infuriated by fireworks!

go figger

The FFL holders that I know in North Idaho have been treated quite well by the inspectors that have visited them (from the Spokane office, I think). Everybody had at least one small clerical infraction but nobody was fined or treated harshly. They are more careful about paperwork, now.
There is a general feeling that the Feds walk kind of lightly in the North Idaho area because of the ill feelings of many residents over the whole Randy Weaver incident. Probably not true but I've heard it mentioned several times.
First Class unless someting unforseen happens.

The Inspector and I talked about the duties of the ATF and the public image of the ATF. I asked the inspector if she shoots and actually like guns. She said she personally shoots and her husband is a police officer. She said if it were not for guns and gun dealers she would not have a job. I felt she was very honest and straight forward. She said the ATF does not make the laws they just enforce them. Over all I was very impressed with the inspector. The things she wrote me up on were my ommissions. We have agreed and she has given me the informaton I need to make the corrections. I have made the corrections and she is satisfied. She has written up the report that I immediately worked to resolve the issues.
I'm in the Houston area and just had my ATF audit and they were very professional. I had 3 mistakes that they wrote me up for and sever small ones that they corrected and never mentioned them. I got audited last year too, couple of mistake they wrote me up for. I would think it would be impossible for a dealer not to have some mistakes, especially with high volume.

When I read the article in the new American Rifleman about them revoking FFL's for minor infractions, I had to wonder if there is more to these stories. It does make one nervous though.

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I don't know if you call me fortunate, or the next place that lightning is likely to strike. I'm starting into my 21st year of business and have never been inspected. I feel like a patient waiting 3 hours for a rectal exam, I just want to get it over with.:eek:

It is like a sigmoidostomy without anesthesia. A couple of things to note they can only do a routine inspection once a year. Don't piss them off, then they come back like fire ants. They can only inspect and regulate over what they have jusisdiction over. I beleive that is 5 years. You are however required to keep the records for 20 years. It is your responsibility to read both the white book (state laws) and the federal licensee handbook. I am going to sit down at night and reread the books. They also send out an ATF news letter.

Would a FFL be of any use to a collector who only works on his own weapons?