Van Dyne, Wi. HBR results

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
Hencken Hauls Home the Big Wood

48 of the HBR faithful from Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Ohio made the annual pilgrimage to eastern Wi. this past weekend for the NBRSA Wi. State Hunter Championship. Held annually the first full weekend after July 4th, this was the 21st. year that match director Dick Baier and his hard working crew hosted this event. Looking down the firing line, you'd see many NBRSA and IBS National Champions and record holders in attendance. This year we had hot temps with some tricky mirage for both days.

100 yd.
1. Al Nyhus 250-18X
2. Ron Schulz 250-18X
3.Dean Walther 250-17X
4. Richard Hunnewell 250-16X
5. Tom Shilka 250-14X

After a slight misque @ 100 yds., (Tom shot a 249-20X @ 100 yds. for 15th place), Missouri's Tom Hencken shot like a man on a mission @ 200 yds, firing an outstanding 250-14X for the 200 yd. win. Wade Hunnewell was right on his heels with a great 250-10X. Pretty stout shooting with a 6 power scope with mirage bad enough that the targets seemed to shake back and forth the full width of the '10' ring.....

200 yd.
1. Tom Hencken 250-14X (pending new NBRSA record)
2.Wade Hunnewell 250-10X
3. Brian Miller 249-11X
4. Al Nyhus 249-9X
5. Craig Nagel 249-7X

Tom's stellar 200 yd. performance nailed down the prestigous Grand Agg win for him.

100-200 Grand Agg.
1. Tom Hencken 499-34X
2. Al Nyhus 499-27X
3. Wade Hunnewell 499-23X
4. Mark Taylor 499-14X
5. Randy Perkowski 499-11X
6. Craig Nagel 498-24X
7. Brian Miller 498-24X
8. Al Forbes 498-18X
9. Chad Schmidt 498-17X
10. Randy Robinett 497-24X

The 5 Man Team Grand Agg winners:
'The Wannabes' 2480-118X
-Tom Hencken 499-34X
-Al Nyhus 499-27X
-Craig Nagel 498-24X
-Richard Hunnewell 495-20X
-Clark Greene 489-13X

Thanks again to match director Dick Baier and his crew for hosting another great event.
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Some pics

Wisconsin's John Puhl (l) and Minnesota's Richard Hunnewell swap notes:


Past NBRSA National Champion and master machinist, T.K. Nollan from Okalhoma. T.K. makes the excellent Bore Saver rod guides.


After a brief absence, past IBS Hunter National Champion 'Hammering' Hank Kulhawick from Ohio has returned to BR shooting.


L-R: Wade Hunnewell, NBRSA 100 yd. HBR national record holder Craig Nagel (back to camera), Bruce Hansen:


L-R: The always tough Mike Bigelow, Jim and Bill Koffman:


A look down the Van Dyne firing line and loading area:


One of my traveling partners for the weekend was Mike Kihne. If you look up, you'll see a nest of swallowtails above Mikes bench. The parents fed the four young ones in the nest all three days Mike loaded there, oblivious to the activity and commotion. In return for not being disturbed, they didn't poop on Mike the entire time! :D


My other traveling partner was Jim Minnig. Jim is one of the guys that got me hooked on BR shooting. I'll get even with him some time......;)


Tom Hencken's better half, Jeanette. She's a fixture at NBRSA events...helping with scoring, etc, etc. This year, she was scoring targets at Van Dyne, along with Judy Shilka and Jenny Greene:

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You sure this wasn't a VFS match? Wow those scores are terrific! A 200yd, 250/14X; unbelievable! Tom better ask his scope,barrel, and action manufacture for endorsement compensation.

Hey...this was a great post; thanks.

Another point worthy of note is that Tom's rig is an old school HBR setup: a Hart barrel twisted 1:14, chambered in 30X47 shooting vintage Guy Chism 150's :eek: over a bunch of SRB-118 powder 'smithed by Larry Smart. When we kid him about shooting those 150 gr. 'Missouri Wadcutters', he just smiles.

Proving once again it ain't the arrow, it's the Indian..... -Al
A few more pics courtesy of Jim Dowling. A good camera in the hands of someone that knows how to use it makes some of us almost presentable! :)


Mike Kihne


Craig Nagel


Mike Bigelow


Standing from l-r: Ron Schulz, Wade Hunnewell, Mark Taylor, Randy Perkowski
Kneeling from l-r: Al Nyhus, Tom Hencken
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I hope it's ok if a "grouper" compliments your great shooting and nice pictures!? Looks like a great time was had by all. Thanks for posting.
Al, thanks for the pics and update. Good shooting! What happened to BiBrob?

Greg, Randy has been on a tear with his Hunter gun this season. As usual, he shot well. A solid 497-24X netted him a Top Ten finish in the Grand. A group of us went to Gilley's for ice cream Saturday evening and he had us laffin' like hyennas with his story about his 6 Big Tall Idiot cartridge..... :cool: :D

A couple of pics of der Bibster hisself:


Al, thanks. Plan on attending the IBS national next time it's in Webster City or environs. Gonna shoot my hunter gun too! Going to get my arse kicked but it will be good learning!
What is the source of the plaques? I would love to get my State Plaques with our State's shape as it's background some year. Thanks, Pete

Oh, Fantastic Scores and Shooting lads!