US Team in New Zealand

Hello all from the World Benchrest Championship in Neldon NZ. It is approx 5:30 pm on Monday here and 11:30 pm Sunday evening eastern time. At approximately 4:30 Monday afternoon eastern the first record shots will be fired here at the WBC. Everyone has worked hard to get the best out of their equipment and it’s almost time. On behalf of the team I would like to thank our corporate as well as individual sponsors for making this trip possible. I assure you all We will do our best to represent our country and our organization to the highest level.

Steve Lee I believe put the link to their site here where the results will be posted daily according to the organizers. I will also attempt to at least post a photo of the results here for you all. The projected winds are 18-20 mph for the afternoon on day 1. Please wish us luck. At 20 mph we will need it.

Thanks again
First days winners podium


Wayne Campbell 1st with a .2054"
Mike Conry 2nd with a .2080"
Dave Coots 3rd with a .2198"

Click on the photo and then again to get a proportionally correct photo.
Congrats, Wayne, Mike and Dave!

Well done, boys! Great shooting by all!

Good luck today to all the U.S. Teams!
