Ubr ssoy results again

Thanks to Danny Hensley and all that participated in UBR matches this season. We're looking forward to an even bigger year in 2014. To the rest of you, come shoot with us, you'll have a ball.

Yep another great season of UBR in the books, I'm not sure why anyone interested in absolute score shooting accuracy based fairly on neutral caliber would not want to play this game.
Congrats to John Kruzan, Larry Moore, Hope Carleton and Steve Jaynes! Also, a big congrats to Rick Fox for making it back to back 4-gun championships with his name on them.

I didn't think there could be anyone that enjoys br shooting more than myself until I got to know Rick. In fact, I use to enjoy beating him pretty regularly. Now however, I REALLY enjoy the rare times that I'm lucky enough to finish ahead of him! He has raised the bar and is a very deserving 4-Gun champ...again. I think he'd shoot a match every day somewhere if he could, and never tire. He has put in as many hours of effort and dedication to the game as anyone that I've met since getting involved. He has been THE example of how to do well in this game, with hard work and never giving up. He's also been exemplar in getting new shooters into the game.

We need more shooters like YOU, Rick! It's always good shooting, traveling to a match, or just shooting the bull with you. It's an honor to call you a friend, as well.

Congrats again! You most definitely earned it in every way.


p.s. Did I mention that he also smoothly runs the matches at Gallatin WHILE almost always shooting two rifles? Wow!
Mike is much too generous with his praise, but I do appreciate it. The simple fact is that I don't shoot as well as most of the regulars, so I have to work harder. There aren't too many who are silly enough to compete with 4 different rifles as well as load for all of them. But, I discovered it was a chance to win once in a while. I should point out too, that Mike beat me in Custom Class.

Mike is much too generous with his praise, but I do appreciate it. The simple fact is that I don't shoot as well as most of the regulars, so I have to work harder. There aren't too many who are silly enough to compete with 4 different rifles as well as load for all of them. But, I discovered it was a chance to win once in a while. I should point out too, that Mike beat me in Custom Class.

Blind squirrel or you were just spread too thin to focus on that while keeping your eyes on the big prize.

Thanks Danny, for another great season of UBR!
Just want to echo what others have said...."Thanks" to Danny for another great year of UBR and "Thanks" to those Match Directors as well as those who worked the matches...These folks "made it happen" at each and every range that was host to the UBR matches ....and last but by far from least, "Thanks" to the shooters that come out to compete at this relatively new game......without the mix of these components, the matches could not be as successful as they are......
And Mike, I have to agree with everything you have said about Rick, I don't know how he does it!...I have trouble with focus on one "class", I can't imagine competing as he does and still function as Match Director at his home range!...My "hat is off to You" Rick and ...a well deserved congrats!!