
There is a UBR match at the Blue Grass Sportsman's League in Wilmore, Ky. this Sunday. Lunch will be served. Start time is 9:00. Hope to see you there.
There is a UBR match at the Blue Grass Sportsman's League in Wilmore, Ky. this Sunday. Lunch will be served. Start time is 9:00. Hope to see you there.

Sure wish I could be there Mike. I have a prior commitment to my wife of 31 years for an Autumn Leaf Special train ride to celebrate our anniversary. I suggested we shoot a match instead, but she didn't see the humor.

Oh, I know that it will be tough. Didn't say that at all. Anytime that you put several guys together, declare winners and losers and give them some time to work at it, the going *will* get tough. That's the way of the world. *All* that I said was that I would enjoy shooting UBR more.


I do not own a factory varmint rifle, so I can't shoot in that class and thus can't contest for the aggregate, either.

I also do not own a custom rifle that will be competitive at 300 and especially at 400 with a 25 lb weight limit and without wind flags. So, I'm bringing my son's rifle built from odds and ends bought for cheap. I'll be lucky to get out of the bottom third of the pack.

I haven't shot the format or anything close to it. I haven't shot at Wabash. Don't know anything about the range and its peculiarities. So, I'll be winging it.

Ergo, why I said that I would enjoy shooting UBR more: I have equipment and experience to be at least somewhat competitive. I don't need to win to have fun, but I purely *hate* to embarrass myself.

There was an article on 6mmBR.com about "mantras". Little motivational sayings to keep focused. Mine for Wabash is going to be "Don't crossfire". I am completely serious.


There is 4 shooters from Louisville coming, so see you Sunday. Charlie, Wayne, Allen, Bill B.
Another beautiful fall day at Wilmore. Temperature was perfect and no rain in sight. The smell left something to be desired, however, because Brud hit a skunk with his truck on the way to the range. Scores were lower across the board than might be expected from the perfect conditions, but Mike Niblett eeked out a win by one point with a 261 in Custom class at 100 yards. At 200 yards, though, he steam-rolled the second place finisher by 7 points with an outstanding 252 and and finished with a potential new record agg of 513. It was tricky at 200, with strong, intermittent gusts. If you had the patience to wait them out, and the speed to get your shots in before the dancing bulls ensued, there were some good conditions available.

Mike also won Unlimited with scores of 254 and 251 at 100 and 200, respectively, and of course, won the agg, too.
New shooter Lonnie Staton took Modified with scores of 252, 237 and 489 with a 22x38. How may remember that cartridge? Congratulations, Lonnie, and hope to see you again at future matches.

My wife suggested when I returned home that I call ahead next time, and not bother going if Mike was shooting. I am a glutton for punishment!;.
Thanks for the great report Keith, I did not realize you had posted under this thread so I posted the results on another. :eek:....
Thanks Again and Good shoot'n!