Trying to decipher the Berger Bullet Lot variations



I have been very fustrated the last few months with
trying to figure out the Berger Bullet thing where it almost
seems every different lot has a different bearing surface length..
I use a Sinclair "acorn" bullet comparator to measure from the
ogive to the base of the boattail.. I use mostly 6 mm bullets for
my 6BR's , 6Dashers, and my 6BRX.. I have used both the 108 BT
Match and the various 105 VLD match and orange boxed 105VLD's
designated Hunting.. Just when I got a killer load with the 108 Match's,
I ran out of lot 1673 and plugged in lot 2077 and the same load
was the pitts... I check the bearing lenght and it was more than
.020 different.. some are .040 different what goes on here?? I thought Eric S. said the 108's had remained unchanged..?? Also said the 105 Thin Jackets had remained unchanged ????The same with the 105 VLD's.. lot to lot variations
make having to try another load development series necessary.. ANyone else
besides me about ready to pull your hair out.. I love Berger Bullets of the past but
too many changes and too much lot to lot variation now..

I would appreciate your thoughts and is my technique valid for measuring bearing length??
advise and thanks in advance=
Doc Stone
berger lot variations

I would ask Eric about this.
sounds like something is different.
I'm sure would be very concerned about this.
He posts here often
I have one LOT of the 105gr Match bullets that does not work at all, tried it in several barrels.
Thanks for the Responces= Hoping Eric S. will comment

I, too have had some lots of 105 VLD's and some lot's of
108's that could not be made to shoot in any of my proven Barrels..
I try to buy bullets in lots of at least 500, so it is quite expensive to get
some that just won't shoot and then I hate to sell them even to my worst
(Joking) enemy..
Doc Stone
I read, at Eric Stecker's insistence. That lots be available in a 1K box.
I would like to Thank Eric for this.
I have sometimes got 3 different lots, in a 1000 bullet order. Not sure who.....
I can now get 1K all the same. :D
My last order was from Midway. :)
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I am very interested in this situation. It will be faster for both of us if I address this with you directly. Please email me at I do not have time to get to the forums as often as I'd like so direct emails are faster.

What I can tell you is that the nose shape of these bullets is the same as they are made in the same dies. This means that your seating depth (base of the case to the end of the bearing surface) should not have changed. Have you made any other changes when you switched to this lot of bullets (different powder or primer lot or ???). How many rounds are through your barrel?

I've looked at our records and the jackets we used to make lot 2077 did not grow to the same length as other lots we've used. When we set up for a bullet one of the characteristics that is critical is the size of the meplat. If the jackets don't grow as long as other lots we have to shorten the bearing surface length so that the nose will close up as small as we can make it.

This is why you see a difference in the bearing surface length between lot 1673 and 2077. According to our records the difference is precisely .020 as you have found.

This should not translate into a change in performance but it is clear from your reports that they are not working for you. We guarantee our bullets so if anyone is ever unhappy with the performance of their Bergers all they need to do is let us know directly and we will replace them with another lot.

I can also relay that the challenge of getting the jackets to work the same each time is one of the reasons why we spent so much time and effort working on the 6mm long jackets (which is why this class of bullets has been unavailable for so long). I believe we have made positive adjustments and am eager to see how future lots shoot.

I have two different lots of Berger 105vld's with 50thou difference myself. Lot 1918 has a .050 longer baring surface than lot 732. I realise these lots are really far apart from each other. I figured that Berger just improved the design or something since the early lot of bullets i have. I havent tried to shoot them yet as i have plenty of the 1918 lot. When i run out of these i will have to rework the load i am sure. Berger makes great bullets and i do enjoy them very much!!! Im not bitching, just curious. Lee
Eric - When a new lot produces a different bearing surface length, accuracy is affected and the only alternative is to find a new OAL. With a new lot, going thru this process (via measuring to the ogive) repeatedly is frustrating.

My central point exactly....
a bearing surface lenght difference of
.040" - .050" difference from lot to lot
is just not acceptable to me..
I have bought hundreds and hundreds of
dollars worth of Berger's in the past=
Just too expensive now not to be more consistent=
I just bought 500 107 gr 6MM Sierrs Match Kings and after sorting
1/2 of them, i just quit as it was not necessary=
very consistent bearing length and weight=
Doc Stone
Doc Stone

Try another comparator. I have the Sinclair acorn and found it inconsistent in use. I use Davidson comparator's on my calipers. I see Sinclair is selling somethng similar.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR