Torque Wrench Questions

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
I am getting ready to buy a Torque Wrench in in/lbs for using with my bench rifles.. Can I get a little input on what type everyone is using and a general isea of where to start on my Suhl's and Winchester 52C & D.
I understand that they come in electronic, digital and beam style and , at this point, am a little confused over which type to buy..
Thanks for your help..

There is a fourth type and that is the "click" breakaway and everyone that I know has that kind. Price and accuracy will be the determining factors. Harbor Freight has the cheap one for under 20$

First I would recommend buying the "click" type torque wrench but you need to check and see which ones are the most accurate. This means the +/- %.
You want one that has the least %. The box should read accurate to 2 or 3 % of the value you want.
Second you can spend as much or as little as you want on a wrench. Snap- on, Craftsman, or any of the major tool companys as different models. Midway sells a torque screwdriver for under $50.00.
I have two types, a Ratchet Type and a Screwdriver Type. I prefer the Screwdriver type. Mine is a Proto, a part of Stanley works and am very pleased with mine. Try Ebay, they usually have a number available for less than $50. Have heard good reports on the Utica and occasionally you will see a Proto for $50.

Good Luck,

I like my Wiha screwdriver breakaway type. 10-50 in/lb I think the catalog # is 2852.
The certification papers give it +/- 1 % at 30in/lb.

My old beam type took one person to hold the rifle one to run the wrench, and a third to watch the scale!!
I would reccomend 2 things. . .
First get one with the entire range you want to use.

Get a dial type if possible. It allows you to really ssee the bolt reach torue and how it got there. Thesee tend to be very expensivee, so like me, you will probably end up with the click type.
I believe the Wiha is the best one on the market. Mine goes from 10-50in/lbs.

You don't really need too tighten hardly any screws that I can think of on a gun to 50in/lbs. That's cranking a screw too tight in my opinion.

23790IMGP0208_Medium_.JPG sells them.

Here's the link.

I paid $108 total for mine about 3 yrs ago. They have went up considerably.
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