Tony Boyer Status?


A "bleeding spine" may mean several things but most likely means what is called an epidural hematoma, a blood clot between the bone and the outer layer of tissue surrounding the spinal cord. The cause in Tony's case is trauma from an auto accident. This results in severe pain and various degrees of neurological change. It is diagnosed by symptoms , CAT scanning and/or MRI. The seriousness of this depends on the location, size, symptoms, associated injury to the spinal cord and bone. The danger from a hematoma is compression of cord/nerves by the clot. Recovery is variable depending on the previously mentioned factors. In general treatment consists in emergency neurosurgical drainage/ removal of the clot if it is large, growing, or compressing the cord, especially if neurological symptoms are present. Emergency surgery may not be necessary if the clot is small, not compressing the cord and no serious neurological symptoms are present. In that case the clot will shrink and mostly dissolve by itself over a period of time. Tony's outcome will depend on many factors but I sincerely hope for the best for him. He is an extraordinary individual and a good person. The world needs more like him.
Dr. Tim, thank you for explaining the situation. :)

Plus one to Dr. Tim

Yessir, Let us all pray that God will be with Tony Boyer as he recovers from his injuries received in that car wreck.

Tony Boyer, a finer man I've never met !

Gene Beggs
Latest on Tony Boyer.

Jim Paganelli is keeping us all posted.

From Jim:
This morning Sherry Boyer texted me and told me that her dad is home from the hospital. He is in a brace from his neck to his hips. His spine has stopped bleeding. They will not do surgery because he will not make it. They are saying the brace hopefully will heal his back. Because of his age it might take 6 months, or it might not heal at all. He is sleeping in a chair and he can't bend, twist or bend over BUT HE CAN WALK. She said we all have to pray that it will heal or he'll be in deep ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************. Because he isn't taking this too well he doesn't want any calls or people coming over to see him. This is all I know and will keep you updated if I hear anything else. KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING!!

Jim Paganelli
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Plus one to Dr. Tim

Yessir, Let us all pray that God will be with Tony Boyer as he recovers from his injuries received in that car wreck.

Tony Boyer, a finer man I've never met !

Gene Beggs

Several years ago while driving in Phoenix, an ugly old, weather-beaten truck was ahead of me on the freeway. The following golden message in big bold letters was painted on the back of the home-made camper shell,


I will never forget that! Maybe we should all do the same thing, huh?
Several years ago while driving in Phoenix, an ugly old, weather-beaten truck was ahead of me on the freeway. The following golden message in big bold letters was painted on the back of the home-made camper shell,


I will never forget that! Maybe we should all do the same thing, huh?

Gene, a friend lost his life when a woman running 60 mph and texting rear ended him on his motorcycle at a four way stop county highway the middle of nowhere here in South Dakota! Left a wife and three kids without a husband or father.

I know I've been guilty of it at times, too. :eek: -Al
I was rear-ended from a gal texting. Luckily, the traffic was heavy and the speed wasn't great, but it still totaled my commuter car. Back when I worked!!!!!
I am waiting

For the day when the technology comes out that when a vehicle is moving it is able to disable a cell phone.

I see it daily in our city of approximately 50 thousand people. You can drive right across the city in about 10 minutes. What CANNOT wait that long that we need to be on the cell or texting?

To many lives lost.

Get well Tony......
hands free blue tooth
are viable
but hand held is a serious no no

For the day when the technology comes out that when a vehicle is moving it is able to disable a cell phone.

I see it daily in our city of approximately 50 thousand people. You can drive right across the city in about 10 minutes. What CANNOT wait that long that we need to be on the cell or texting?

To many lives lost.

Get well Tony......

for the day when the technology comes out that when a vehicle is moving it is able to disable a cell phone.

I see it daily in our city of approximately 50 thousand people. You can drive right across the city in about 10 minutes. what cannot wait that long that we need to be on the cell or texting?

to many lives lost.

Get well tony......

I'm sure the TECH IS AVAILABLE to disable a cell phone when moving. It took years for Virginia to outlaw texting while driving. Politicians are weak Bastards !! MY daughter lives in KY. texting while driving is still OK there. I have been rear ended , very hard !! You never fully recover, of course it's only been 20 plus years. The Police should be issued a good pair of cutters, when they pull someone over for texting, cut the drivers permit in half, on the spot !!