Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club Results


Fla mac

The results of Dec. 23, Club BR Score Match.
100 Yds VFS
Gil Brooks 50/4 50/4 50/4 50/4 50/5 250/21
Georgia Pariso 50/2 49/4 50/2 50/3 50/3 249/14
RayBroadwell 50/3 50/3 50/4 50/5 50/4 250/19
John McCorquodale 50/1 50/3 50/4 50/3 50/3 250/14
David Richardson 50/5 50/5 50/4 49/4 50/4 249/22

Christ Fletcher 45/0 49/2 49/1 48/2 47/1 238/6
John Schmitt 45/1 49/1 47/2 49/0 50/1 240/5
Val Valentine 50/2 49/3 50/3 50/3 50/4 249/15

200 Yds VFS
Gil Brooks 48/0 48/0 50/1 49/1 50/0 247/2
Georgia Pariso 50/2 50/2 50/2 50/2 50/3 250/11
Ray Broadwell 50/1 50/1 50/2 50/0 50/2 250/6
John McCorquodale 48/1 49/0 46/0 49/0 50/0 242/1
David Richardson 50/3 50/2 50/2 50/1 50/2 250/10

Christ Fletcher 50/1 50/0 48/0 49/0 49/0 246/1
John Schmitt 39/0 46/1 48/1 48/0 46/0 237/2
Val Valentine 43/0 45/1 50/0 49/2 49/3 236/6

Gil Brooks 250/21 247/2 497/23
Georgia Pariso 249/14 250/11 499/25
RayBroadwel 250/19 250/6 500/25
John McCorquodale 250/14 242/1 492/15
David Richardson 249/22 250/10 499/32

Ag Sporter
Christ Fletcher 238/6 246/1 484/7
John Schmitt 240/5 237/2 477/7
Val Valentine 249/15 236/6 485/21

Mims, Fl.