Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club July 100/200 yd BR Match Results


Fla mac

We have 11 shooters, 3 sports and 8 VFS. We had no wind for the 200 yd match, and just enough wind to make you look at your flags on 100yd, HOT, HOT, HOT. We had a good match. If you are going to be in Central Fl. the end of next month come on out and shoot with us.
100 yd VFS 100yd Sports
Dwight Webb 250/19 Mark Harrison 242/7
John McCorquodale 250/16
David Richardson 250/15

200yd VFS 200yd Sports
Kat Robins 249/9 Mark Harrison 234/1
John McCorquodale 249/7
Dwight Webb 248/7

Agg VFS Sports Agg
John McCorquodale 449/23 Mark Harrison 476/8
Dwight Webb 448/26
Kat Robins 498/23

View attachment July Benchrest.xls