tips for bedding


New member
Are there any tricks for bedding a glue in if you are not using the action screws? Do you support the barrel and lay the action in the compound to set up then remove it clean it up and then glue it in? I was reading that some guns have the bore angled up slightly to push downwards, or is it best to have the bore parallel to the flat of the forearm? I bought a 6mm ppc barreled action, I have ordered a new stock and I have a plan but I would like some tips. I plan on no screws bore parallel to the flat of the forearm. Thanks
Many Benchrest stocks have a bag surface, at the front of the forend, that is at a slight angle to the top of the forend. I believe that this is intentional, and is probably done to minimize the amount of vertical sweep of the projection of the CL of the bore, at the target, during recoil. As to down force, on the rear bag, produced by a slight uphill tilt of the barrel relative to a more standard position, I think that two things need to be considered. If you are planning on using the rifle to compete, both national sanctioning bodies have similar limits on how flat the bottom of the butt can be, relative to the CL of the bore. Secondly, I believe that what is really taking place is that angling the barrel up slightly is in effect flattening the forend angle, and it is this that has the effect that is attributed to driving the butt stock into the rear bag. After all, the barrel must be pointed to where the bullet impact is desired, and its angle, relative to the bench, and rear bag, is ultimately determined by the elevation of the target, relative to the shooting point. The range that I usually shoot at is slightly downhill toward the targets. I have experienced the butt of my 10.5# 6PPC popping out of the rear bag ears as the rifle is fired. positioning the front bag farther forward on the forend seems to solve the problem. Some time in the future, I plan of making an add on piece that will allow adjustment of forend angle, to see what effect different angles have.