The "Vern Juenke Machine" ICC is coming back.

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Ken Juenke

New member
The Vern Juenke machine, as it has been affectionately known but more accurately, the Internal Concentricity Comparator or ICC is coming back.
My name is Ken Juenke and I am Vern's only son.
It has taken me several years of discussions with my dad to finally get him to agree to allow me to bring his product back into production.
Many of you may know his extreme drive for perfection and this is what has prevented the machine from coming back earlier.
Vern is now 91 years old and he simply did not want to put the time into this product anymore. He had other pursuits taking his time.
My dad and I have pulled out all of the documentation and he has trained me in all of the confidential methods of manufacturing the parts needed to make the ICC work.
There have been attempts at recreating his machine and we respect those attempts as they always mentioned my dad's name and history.
However, those attempts never did succeed and for those of you who have been wanting your very own ICC, stay tuned.
The new version will be on the market very soon with a few new upgrades.
We think you will really like what you see.

Questions? I'm sure you have them so feel free to email me at
My company is IQWurks but the unit will always be known as Vern Juenke's ICC - The Internal Concentricity Comparator.

Tight Groups,
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