the humor thread

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Well-known member
went THIRTEEN YEARS on the general forum with more views than any other thread ever.
new management, moved the thread and blocked it.
only the management changed
Paul Harvey was to give a speach at a large University in the afternoon.
Arriving mid morning he decided to have lunch in the school cafeteria
Passing through the food line cafeteria personel placed food items on ones plate
Upon seeing one bread roll placed on his plate, he asked for a second
The cute young lady stated that she was instructed to let each individual have one roll
Paul stated you must not know who I am--I'm the speaker at todays event
The youn lady said you must not realize who I am--the person who hands out the rolls

May this applies here????

I hope you remember Paul Harvey!
So where did this "Right to not be offended" come from? I have read the Constitution several times....
And why is it when I am offended it does not count/matter???
Well...say something funny and this can be a new one. Lol! I lost interest after several pages and I think that's a good enough reason. It could be a locked sticky or whatever but people stop reading the same thread after a while. I think it would be more efficient really to simply make a new thread after about 10-15 pages is all I'm saying.
So where did this "Right to not be offended" come from? I have read the Constitution several times....
And why is it when I am offended it does not count/matter???
Just MHO but in the world we now live in, people put themselves into groups where it's near impossible not to offend "the group". If I said, "zippy, you are this or that", I can see you possibly being offended but I don't put myself into any groups and I believe in respecting individuals as they earn as well as their right to be treated well. I don't respect many groups and especially cults. I think we stand on our own two feet and some may like it, some may not...but being honest should not be frowned upon over hurt today's society at least. Overall, the skin is very thin today. I'd hate to have to find a job today with the general public. From what I hear, you can't say or do much of anything without it offending someone and your job literally weighing on an innocent remark with no ill intent.

I'd take working with a bunch of old curmudgeons any day over that! ;)
Well...say something funny and this can be a new one. Lol! I lost interest after several pages and I think that's a good enough reason. It could be a locked sticky or whatever but people stop reading the same thread after a while. I think it would be more efficient really to simply make a new thread after about 10-15 pages is all I'm saying.
sorry there is a simple funtion that takes you to the NEW posts, you have no reason to read the old stuff unless you choose to.......
why would you delete the most popular thread on the site...just put it back where it was..not need to navigate to a second area, leave it up front where all can read ,if they want when they log on
I can see both sides and not a huge deal to me. Personally, I come here for BR related stuff and kinda got tired of seeing that thread. No offense intended whatsoever. I think a humor subsection is great but whatever gets traffic back on here is good to me.
So where did this "Right to not be offended" come from? I have read the Constitution several times....
And why is it when I am offended it does not count/matter???
As for your first sentence, see the fourth paragraph of the rules (they're at the bottom of the page).
As for your second paragraph, it does count (see the above-referenced paragraph)— if you report the offensive stuff.
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why would you delete the most popular thread on the site...just put it back where it was..not need to navigate to a second area, leave it up front where all can read ,if they want when they log on
Mike, you know the "most popular thread on the site" has not been deleted; you also should know why it's in "time-out" mode.
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