The Entire NBRSA Membership

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The Entire NBRSA Membership shall maintain a 7 day period of mourning in memory of our doomed nation.
It appears only God save the beloved USA. :(
The Entire NBRSA Membership shall maintain a 7 day period of mourning in memory of our doomed nation.
It appears only God save the beloved USA. :(

I have been NBRSA for over a decade and I strongly disagree with your "doomed" comment.

I am a devoted American and I have voted GOP all my voting life except the last two elections, The GOP voters deserves better choices than we have been given. And, no, I did not vote for either of the two.

Having worn the uniform and taken the oath to protect and defend, but, I am tired of war folks, I am tired of the US wasting our young and our money fighting this mystical "terrorist" enemy.
The terrorist's are not external, but rather exist within the boundary's of this once great and proud nation.
Thanks for your service, and being a loyal American. The war on Terrorism is not a mythical creature, we as americans would certainly be satisfied if we never had to engage in any war! In this case they brought the fight to us, in our beloved country, and I don't think turning the other cheek would have been appropriate! We can choose to fight terrorism in their country or in ours, I will always choose fighting it in theirs. By the way I served for 21 consecutive years and it started right out of high school during the Vietnam war, so I do understand what needs to be done even though I would rather we didn't have to send our young into harms way. War is at times a necessary evil.
Evidently Jerry has forgotten the events of 9-11, or maybe those weren't "terrorists?"

I wonder who did it then? Maybe WE blew up our own building and killed our own people? (insert Twilight Zone music here)

America still WORKS people, we get exactly what we vote for......or don't vote for. (Ron Paul=vote for Obama)

I don't have much faith though in our individual intelligence!

As was evidenced last night.

The war on Terrorism is not a mythical creature, we as americans would certainly be satisfied if we never had to engage in any war! young into harms way...... War is at times a necessary evil.

When war is a necessary evil sometimes fight is necessary. We do have a terroristic enemy but we are told to look at the wrong source for who is creating terror in the world.

Lets start with the World Trade Center event. Look up some things, you can find them on the Internet.

1-Look for video of Building 7 going down. watch the film closely. Notice the little puffs of smoke on the corners.

2-Search for the video about the WTC complex owner, Lawrence Silverstein, saying "we decided to pull the building" (building 7). Now, tell me how they could have put the demolition charges in building 7 in the 4 hours following the collapse of the twin towers and the time building 7 went down. Silversteins actual words as shown on a PBS special were 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

3-Now look closely in some of the engineering sites that show closeups of those same puffs at the corners of the twin towers.

On a subject I do know a lot about is the pilot of one of the airliners had some 27 hours of dual instruction in a Cessna 150 and still wasn't signed off to solo, that pilot got in the left seat of a Boeing 767 and hit his target dead center.

Who blew the WTC complex and why, I don't know, but I do know who benefited. I think it was an obvious move to start this war of lies about who our enemies really are.
Conspiracy theories….Jerry, I can’t believe you are on that boat. Heck, Clinton had an affair that only two knew about and couldn’t keep it a secret. The very idea that anyone could pull off something like this that would involve thousands of Americans, kill Americans, and keep it a secret now a days is ridiculous. I also guess that all those calling people from the planes were just mistaken about what was happening before them and who was doing it. Flying a plane once it is in the air is one of the easiest things to do so that doesn’t fly either. I’ve watched all the actual videos of the world trade center buildings and the only ones that had anything out of the ordinary were found out to be doctored with.
Oh, I guess these same mysterious people were responsible for the first WTC bombing, USS Cole, Embassies, etc.
Next, somebody is going to say that Michael Moore is the greatest director of all time.

Conspiracy theories….Jerry, I can’t believe you are on that boat. Heck, Clinton had an affair that only two knew about and couldn’t keep it a secret.

"Conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorists", what a convenient phrase to tag any happening with that is not approved and reported by "the system". Politically correct, Global Warming, etc., any plan to lead away from truth now has a stigma tag.

Hellsbells, and all along I thought Slick Willie and Monica were just conspiring. I never suspected they were up to no good!!
Forget taglines,

forget "conspiracies"

forget convenience or inconvenience

I'm saddened you believe Americans would (did) kill Americans in the name of......??... anything I guess.
Conspiracy theories….Jerry, I can’t believe you are on that boat.

'Tis pretty shocking! Common sense should tell us that there would have to be tens of thousands of people involved to pull that kind of thing off. We can't even pull off a budget plan, so how could someone believe that we could orchestrate something as complicated as 9/11?
'Tis pretty shocking! Common sense should tell us that there would have to be tens of thousands of people involved to pull that kind of thing off. We can't even pull off a budget plan, so how could someone believe that we could orchestrate something as complicated as 9/11?

Well....who orchestrated it? it was undeniably orchestrated.

We, as I know us, couldn't possibly imagine the thoughts of select individuals. For example, how could a mother deliberately drown her children like that gal did a few years ago. We don't think like that but have evidence there are those that do.
Well....who orchestrated it? it was undeniably orchestrated.

We, as I know us, couldn't possibly imagine the thoughts of select individuals. For example, how could a mother deliberately drown her children like that gal did a few years ago. We don't think like that but have evidence there are those that do.

Wilbur, if extremist muslims planned it, it would only take a couple dozen folks bent on religious beliefs and raised to believe their whole lives that America is pure evil and deserves to die. Not all that hard to do.

If Americans planned it, then it would take thousands and thousands of folks who would be willing to kill their fellow Americans for defense contracts or ExxonMobil stock.

What does common sense tell you is more likely??
I don't actually believe it was a conspiracy. On the other hand, it wouldn't take thousands and thousands...just those few muslims you mentioned and one other guy to fire them up.
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