The Barn Raiser at Springville last week


Mike Paul

Jim Erickson has asked me to show another update of the Range for May 2nd and 3rd this year. This last weekened, all the trusses were put up, bracing was added, and the tails were trimed and everything is ready to go for Metal Roofing. We ordered that tonight and Jim will drive Steve Henager's flatbed to pick it up on Thursday. We will put the metal on over next weekend. Once again another great turnout by range shooters except for your truly. I was in Phoenix over the weekend, but will be sure to be part of the crew this Sat.

Anyone wanting to attend May's match are encouraged to pre-register, but it will not be required this year. We will do the best we can to accomdate anyone trying to shoot.

I will let Jim give the narative for these pictues, but I heard the snow was in their face all day Saturday-











It looks like the loading area will finally have a permament roof stucture just in time for the May match.

Springville work party

Mike thanks for posting the photos.

Saturday came with some of mother natures worst conditions...cold windy and lots of snow. There was light snow until 1 pm when a full blown blizzard arrived---blowing wet spring snow parallel to the ground. None the less, nine hearty souls showed up to help set the trusses. By 4:30 the trusses were up and a good start on the bracing had begun. However everything was icing up and we knocked off for the day.

Sunday was a beauty, you have to live in the Rocky's to really enjoy the splender of spring. On the mountain slope to the north, twelve elk were feeding high in a basin. Lower down were several small groups of mule deer feeding on the sun lit slopes. As we were setting up our equipment, Canada geese rose off our small lake and flew overhead greeting the morning sun. Just like the lyrics of a song "What a difference a day makes." Makes it all worthwhile.

Besides the work that we started last fall, the past three weekends have really brought our project to almost completion. Many people have come out to help and I would like to thank them for their time and efforts on behalf of Central Utah Bench Rest. They our Dave Tunbridge who has organized all these efforts, Joe Olas, old construction pros Steve Henager, Gil Graser and Keith Parker, "laborers" Dean Parker, Ron Duffin, Roger Freeman and Jim Bawden and myself-Head Goffer. Mike Paul, Ron Duffin, Joe Olas and Gil Graser also arranged to get us equipment and supplies.

Now to the photos:

1&2--Gil Graser, who got us the loan of the lift, setting the trusses

3-----Roger Freeman loads the trusses on the lift

4-----Gil Graser operating the lift

5&6---Head rafter runner Steve Henager (he and Dave must have pounded a thousand nails over the weekend)

7-----Dave Tunbridge and Steve Henager banging away

8-----Taking a break

9----- Jim Bawden, Gil Graser and myself

10----Finished for the day and tired, Joe Olas, myself and Dave Tunbridge.

Until next weekend,

Jim Erickson
Hey Dave,

We would like to add some benches, and probably will in the not to distant future. However, 50 benches is out of the question due to the terrain so no Nationals in store.

You are just gonna have to jump on that Harley and come on out for our August shoot! If not, guess I'll see you next at the Nats. in St. Louie.

Stay high and dry,

Jim or Mike,

Do you have club shoots or just registered matches!

Just registered matches for...

now. We may try some informal shoots in the future. Will post a notice here if that happens.
