Texas Freeze-OT

Chism G

Active member
It is freezing cold in Dallas,Tx this AM. A solid sheet of Ice. 21 degrees with single digit chill factor expected later today. A rare Ice storm rolled in Thursday that is taking a toll on an unprepared City and surrounding counties. Thousands are without power. The MetroPCS Marathon was cancelled for the first time in 44 years. My Brother in- Law that moved here from Detroit, to escape the Cold, is complaining about the Freeze. He comes to my house every Sunday,at Dinner time,come Hell or high water. Maybe I’ll get a break this Sunday. If he ever decides to move to a warmer climate,I will volunteer to help him drive the U-Haul moving van. Damn its cold.

-4 with wind chill of about -16 at around 7 a.m. Probably won't go to the Santa Shoot today. Maybe have to just use the range in the basement-or the wife wants to go get a tree today. Hmmm. We'll have to see if it warms up some.
The weather man said it would get to the mid 80s here today, it was 69 when we drove back from a church meeting last night at 9:30 so the low was maybe 65. I don't know what you guys are talking about?
Glenn, it hit 24 degrees here in Utopia last night. But, we don't have any ice. It's finally up to 33 degrees here at 12:00.

It was 40 in Houston this morning, too dang cold.

I was out at Southwest Shipyard at 8:AM, it felt like I was in the Artic.

Yeh, I know, it's not really that bad. But how cold it is seems to coincide with what you are used too.
We lost power at 3:30 AM yesterday. Can you imagine me with no phone, no cell phone, no internet, and no heat. Modern fireplaces are for the ladies. They produce virtually no heat. Finally tired of sitting around and went to a hotel. Get into the room and it is 45deg. Turned on the heat and it was 47deg after 30 minutes. Called the desk and they said be patient as the power had just came on there. I wished that I had known. We went to bed with all of our clothes and long handles. Got up this morning and it had warmed to 60. Damn the shower was cold. Neighbor said our power returned at 10:30pm last night. We headed for home where it was toasty.
Lived in Alaska 2 times for several years. Only time we lost power was for a couple days, but it was caused by a warm wind and our fireplace worked.
It could be worse

It was 36 degrees below zero this morning in North Central Montana. It has now "warmed up" to twenty one below zero with a stiff breeze. Todays temp broke the old record.

Still 2 more weeks until Winter.

Merry Christmas

25 ABOVE zero here in Fairbanks,AK this AM.

I'm glad someone else is experiencing the global warming!!

14 days to winter solstice & we start gaining daylight by the minute(s)!!
I lived in Fairbanks from 1954-1956. I delivered The Fairbanks Daily News Miner and I walked a 3 mile route. Coldest day that I delivered was -56deg.
Getting down into the 20's here in WA, the whole county is paralyzed. We're shut out of concrete work indefinitely.....

My heat's on though in my gunroom....... been loading/bedding/turning&milling and just gener'ly enjoying the freeze :)

Kids over, got the whole house rockin'. Dad's retreat is rockin' too,


Glenn, it hit 24 degrees here in Utopia last night. But, we don't have any ice. It's finally up to 33 degrees here at 12:00.


Hi Joe. Living in a City with a name like "Utopia" You would expect the best of everything. How's Sam?

minus 4* at 5 AM

was 12* for a high. Going to -2* tonite and then warm up and dump snow tomorrow. Ain't global warming grand?!>?!?!?!?!?

Hey, Glenn, Sam is fine it got up to 34 here today. It is warm in the shop with the heater going! Don't let the cold get too you too bad, It would be a real stretch to call Utopia a city. It is so small there is not a red light or even a blinking light going through. It is bigger than Vanderpool though, a few years back they moved it to the other side of the highway !!!!!!!
Stay warm ol friend and hope to see ya at the Bluebonnet.

Sam Duke
Hey, Glenn, Sam is fine it got up to 34 here today. It is warm in the shop with the heater going! Don't let the cold get too you too bad, It would be a real stretch to call Utopia a city. It is so small there is not a red light or even a blinking light going through. It is bigger than Vanderpool though, a few years back they moved it to the other side of the highway !!!!!!!
Stay warm ol friend and hope to see ya at the Bluebonnet.

Sam Duke

Good to see ya on here Sam. We have a severe weather report for Dallas at the moment. It's 25 with freezing drizzle in the forecast. While that may not be cold for an Alaskan, It might as well be 25 below around here. Auto Body Shop businesses and wrecker services, clean up during these Ice Storms. I stay off the streets until it thaws.

I apologize for calling you Joe the last time I saw you. A name tag would be a big help.:D See ya at the Blue Bonnet.

Glenn, being called the wrong name doesn't bother us too much. You are not the only one to do so. The unusual thing is that we actually have a brother in between us in age.
Sam and I finally decided to help folks out so we got shirts with our names on them. However, sometimes we switch shirts at noon. :D

BTW, it is back to 32 degrees here at my house. Probably several degrees cooler at Sam's as he is much lower in elevation than I am.

Are you planning on shooting the Tomball matches this year?

Glenn, being called the wrong name doesn't bother us too much. You are not the only one to do so. The unusual thing is that we actually have a brother in between us in age.
Sam and I finally decided to help folks out so we got shirts with our names on them. However, sometimes we switch shirts at noon. :D

BTW, it is back to 32 degrees here at my house. Probably several degrees cooler at Sam's as he is much lower in elevation than I am.

Are you planning on shooting the Tomball matches this year?


Joe...that makes me feel better. Y'all must have switched T-Shirts on me. "A Brother in between" Are You saying Triplets. Its 27 here. May get to 34 this afternoon.

Tomball is on my schedule.

Duke boys

Glenn, actually there are four of us. We have a baby brother as well. Notice I did not say little brother. When we were growing up, we worked hard here on the ranch and our Mother was hard pressed to cook enough to keep us fed. As we older ones grew up and moved away, she continued to cook the same amount. Each time one left, it just made another plate for Bob. He finally grew up BIG!

Arnold, occasionally we turn that sign around; just to keep the town drunk confused. Keeps us and him both entertained. But, small as Utopia is, it still is looking for a janitor. :)


ps. It is up to 51 degrees here. A heat wave!
I lived in Fairbanks from 1954-1956. I delivered The Fairbanks Daily News Miner and I walked a 3 mile route. Coldest day that I delivered was -56deg.

It's a small world! I was born in 1955. I lived in Fairbanks from 1965-68 and I also delivered the Fairbanks Daily News Minor. I had a small route, about 42 papers. My paper route job was interrupted by the Flood in August 1967.