Texas Capital Showdown

Joe Duke

Active member
June 9, 2024, 31 Texans and one Cajun gathered at the Austin Rifle Club for the inaugural “Texas Capital Showdown” Score match. It was your choice, shoot Varmint for Score or Hunter class. We had a total of 32 shooters sign up; 21 VFS and 11 Hunter shooters. A nice turnout for a very hot day of shooting. Unlike most gatherings around the Texas Capital, we did not have a single cuss fight or fist fight! But as you can see, the matches stayed close all day long.

For Hunter 100 it was First place Tom Anderson with an impressive 250-17X. Second was James Elliott with 250-14X. Third was Mike Wall with 250-13X. All the rest of us were looking up at those three with the only 250’s.

For VFS 100, the winner was Richard Pullum with 250-23X. Second was Jim Nicolas with 250-21X. And third was Ed Bernabeo with 250-20X. All told, there were 12 250’s shot in VFS. Pretty impressive when over half the field shoot 250.

For VFS 200, Dwayne Pullum won with a 250-10X. Second was Mike Green with 250-9X by Creedmoor over third place Richard Pullum with 250-9x. Zack Burnett was 4th with a score of 249-4X. Zack is only a teenager. Impressive! Dwayne and Mike were the only one to achieve 250 at 200 yards. Fine shooting for sure!

Hunter 200 was a battle start to finish. After the dust settled from target five, Joe Duke won the match with a 247-7X. James Elliott was second with 246-3X. Tom Anderson was third with 245-6X.

VFS Aggregate was won by Mike Green shooting the only 500 for the day. He scored 500-24X. Fine shooting Mike! Agg second was Richard Pullum with a 499-32X. Third was Dwayne Pullum with a 499-27X effort. Fourth was Zack Burnett putting up a 499-17X score. This young man has a future at this. Rounding out the top five was Jim Nicolas with a 498-24X score. Well done VFS shooters.

Hunter Aggregate ended up a real fight for sure. Joe Duke won with 496-19X for the day. James Elliott was second with 496-17X. Tom Amderson was third with 495-23X. Mike Wall was fourth with 489-16X. James Moore rounded out the top five with 485-8X.

As an item of notice, Richard Pullum finished the VFS match with a flourish. His fifth target at two hundred yards was a very fine 50-5X. Actually, if you look closely, it was a 6X target as his one sighter round was an X also. Way to go Richard!

A very big thank you to everyone who attended the match, everyone who worked to make it a success and the Austin Rifle Club for hosting the match. It takes all of you to make a match happen and this one was a success. We look forward to more events at this club.

As a final note, you see that Jackie Schmidt and Wes Johnson did not finish the match. Jackie fell ill after the first couple of targets and Wes Johnson quickly volunteered to take him for medical attention. Jackie is fine but Wes is to be commended for giving up his day of shooting for a fellow shooter. This truly what we are all about and that makes Wes the real winner. Thank you, Wes Johnson!


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