Terry Leonard Wins Shamrock X (Shamrock X Results)

Steve Lee

Active member
Here are the results. I'll add the equipment list in a couple of days.


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Thanks for the results Steve. I see you took some wood home. Was curious how Gene Bukys did at the match.

Appreciate your efforts. Looks like alot of Snow Birds came down for the match.

Way to go Terry, Yu Da Man!!!

(Thanks Steve for the details so soon---Oh, and to Steve Lee for winning the LV200)
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Just curious, didn't try to check math but something immediately stood out: Scott Grimes in 2nd at 100 LV shows these groups: 0.143-0.221-0.220-0.136-0.351 and an agg of .1800. That's not right.
Just curious, didn't try to check math but something immediately stood out: Scott Grimes in 2nd at 100 LV shows these groups: 0.143-0.221-0.220-0.136-0.351 and an agg of .1800. That's not right.
Good eye. Looks like a .2142agg Tony
Jerry: I enjoyed shootin next to you all weekend. Hope to see you at the Super Shoot. Tony
Hey Tony, same here. I hope to be there.

And congratulations to you for winning 2 aggs and one of then with a .15", wow!!

Tough conditions and a tough crowd Jackie. Tough enough that many of the normally top 10 shooters weren't even in the top 20 at times.

You'd think that in my case, reloading with Terry and following him on the bench and shooting beside Tony that I'd learn something....wrong!!
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Congratulations Mr Leonard, you gave everyone quite a beatin. Also a special congrats to Tony Alexander, he won his first two yardages and won both of them with teen aggs. quite impressive.

amazing its been 10 years. great match to go to. thanks steve for the post and also good shooting

also great shooting to everybody else
Congrads to all the winners. I've been to all but 1 Shamrock match and I can say that this match has evolved into one of the best run matches in the country and I have been to most of the ranges. I mark this range as shooter friendly for all the amneties they offer and the high level of attention to detail. Ranges would be wise to study Twin Oaks. I don't give praise very often, But this crew deserves all the credit. If you haven't been you have missed a shooters treat.
Good Shooting Terry!!

That was a good butt kicking you gave us again. You again proved consistency wins multi-guns.

Special congratulations also to Tony Alexander for getting his first yardage wins.. Way to go buddy. Proud of you!!
Way to go Terry! Very nice shooting indeed. Looking at the scores, I see a lot of names that bring back fond memories. I think of you guys often and wish I could see you soon.
Hi Becky!
"wish I could see you soon." Well, you could come on down to Rachel's Glenn and we'll be there. As I remember you do pretty well there, didn't you set a range record by shooting a .158 at 200 on Saturday, only to break it again on Sunday? I don't remember the exact numbers, but they were very small!
Cheryl just reminded me your in COLO, so ain't likely your gonna be there next week, but we sure miss you too honey.
Cheryl and Charlie