swiss [wild ] rangfinder info


tim in tx

have any of you guys used these before,and is there anybody that might have some calibrating instructions ? thanks tim in tx
Go here and download this and print it out.

After that go the the Hair Club for Men and order some Rejuvenator so your hair will grow back after you tear it out.

It took me a few times to understand what the instructions were trying to tell me to do. The dumb Swiss don't speak English too good. The litmus test is to take it to a 1K range with a good laser rangefinder and verify that you calibrated it correctly. Do that on a day when no one is around to laugh at you. :D
perfect,thanks bob

it is about a goofy looking thing,and heavy but keyword is cheap,well at least for now . thanks again bob :)tim in tx
Buffalobob how's your German, French and Italian? Most dumb Swiss speak those languages in addition to English.
Sense of humor must be gene linked.

In order to get a college prep high school diploma I had to take two years of Spanish

In order to get a degree in physics I had to pass four semesters of technical German.

Because of my language proficiency, I was assigned to 10th SFA as XO of ODA 32 which has an AO of Germany. My German was good enough to get my bier and wurst which is the important part of any mission.

I never did learn much Vietnamese but I could communicate well enough with my M-16.
BTW: did you mean the 10th SFG

You will duly note that I did not claim to be an English major or to be the worlds greatest typist. I leave that claim to others.

I meant to type 10th SFG (A) although I am a member of SFA (Chapter XI - I think).

Its amazing how much crap a person can get just for helping a guy calibrate his Wild.
No crap from me Bob

I was a member of the 7th SFG (A). I wouldnt have known what you were if you hadnt refered to Germany as your AO.
buffalobob - I've got one of the Swiss Wild RFs here - tried to sell it on e-bay a year or so ago for the widow of a friend, but didn't get any serious bids. I don't see them listed on DEUTSCHE OPTIK's website now, and don't recall what they were selling for 10+yrs. ago when he bought it. I'm thinking of making the lady an offer for it, but would like to know what it's actually worth so I can be fair about it. I've got a Swaro LG, and don't really need this thing, but it's just interesting enough to keep around.

My friend didn't purchase the tripod or any of the other accessories with it when he got it from DEUTSCHE OPTIK, so I've been contemplating milling an aluminum block tripod adaptor so I could mount the thing on a good heavy duty camera tripod. Not having a picture of the 80cm lathe board mentioned in the calibration instructions, I'm in the dark about how to calibrate the Wild.
I was a member of the 7th SFG (A).

There is a forum called "professional" for and by SF if it interests you. I only spend three years in the Army so I know nothing about modern military stuff. I just go to keep track of people I once knew.


I paid $400 plus shipping for one two years that was complete with tripod and board. If you decide to sell it then I would recommend trying on places like LongrangeHunting .com or some of the varmint hunting sites. Unfortunately, most shooters are so enamored of their lasers they are too lazy to pull out and set up a big clunky piece of equipment.

I have not ever tried it, but I think you can calibrate it with your Swaro. Just set up targets at 100 yards, 500 yards and 1000 yards or what ever is available and get the individual eyeball compensation adjustment (what ever it is called) over on the left hand side set.

What they are good for is for shooting at extreme ranges for targets that the normal LRF will not pick up such as prairie dogs and ground hogs on flat land. If one should be inclined to try to kill an antelope or something at really extreme range then it is cheaper than a $5,000 military style laser.

I know that two people in the last five years who made VH SOTY used them to range over 2K.
My friend bought one from a guy that brought some back from Iraq. Decent shape. No tripod so he made an adapter to fit it to a survey tripod. Not sure if a camera tripod would be sturdy enough. I used it to range my 1130 yard Prarie dog, then run down with a ATV and verify by leapfrogging back. Wilde was right on the money at that range. We calibrated by taking average between 500 and 1000 yards. Was right on.

I built myself a heavy, sturdy tripod several years ago out of square steel tubing. We were shooting BPCRS, and needed very stable scope stands to spot for each other. A few of the guys laid out $$$ for new surveyor's tripods, but it looked like a good project, so I got out the chop saw, welder, & spray paint and 'got 'er done'. I suspect it's sturdy enough to hold the Wilde pretty steady - guess I'll go out to the garden tool shed, dig it out, and get busy making an adaptor to mount the Wilde. Thanks for the feedback.
Buffalobob how's your German, French and Italian? Most dumb Swiss speak those languages in addition to English.

If the text isn't too long I can translate it, I speak German and French. (Italian not preferred but possible).



My ancestors came to America from Holland. Family name Garretson. Eric.