Super Bowl 50

Chism G

Active member
Not much to talk about. Carolina got handcuffed by an awesome Denver Defense.

Old John Elway could have played quarterback for the Broncos. The Outcome would have been the same.

That's for sure. That "Big D" did the deed.

I am disappointed in Cam Newton. He had come a long way in rehabilitating a tarnished image with outstanding play civil behavior during the season.

But your character is revealed not so much when you win, as when you loose. He might not think of himself as a role model, but he is.

Time to grow up.

One telling moment was even before the game started. While Lady GaGa was doing an outstandinding job singing our National Anthem, the camera panned around to various players, coaches, and fans, with their hand on their heart.

Not Cam. He was doing his "it's all about me" thing.

His agent was probably cringing, thinking of all those endorsement dollars flying away as fast as the Blue Angels flyover.
Way too much trash talk by Carolina during the lead up week

imo. Denver's defense is awesome and all that talk just got them deeper into the groove. They played with their helmets and pads and not their mouths! More power to Denver's focus and team play. They deserve the win and fan admiration for a lot of reasons.
Sports Ethics

That's for sure. That "Big D" did the deed.

I am disappointed in Cam Newton. He had come a long way in rehabilitating a tarnished image with outstanding play civil behavior during the season.

But your character is revealed not so much when you win, as when you loose. He might not think of himself as a role model, but he is.

Time to grow up.

One telling moment was even before the game started. While Lady GaGa was doing an outstandinding job singing our National Anthem, the camera panned around to various players, coaches, and fans, with their hand on their heart.

Not Cam. He was doing his "it's all about me" thing.

His agent was probably cringing, thinking of all those endorsement dollars flying away as fast as the Blue Angels flyover.

Could`nt agree more....... you`d think the league would teach these guys some manners..... before exhibiting them........... about what their actions do for/to impressionable kids..... if I`m elected president.... they`ll earn the same money as a buck private earns while getting shot at.....
bill larson
Today magazine

Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning saw things differently.

"I'll tell ya', Cam couldn't have been nicer to me," the 39-year-old athlete told TODAY Monday morning. "He was extremely humble, congratulated me, wished me the best. I told him just congratulations on his outstanding season, and just what a great future he has ahead of him. He'll be back in that game, I can promise you."

Despite the brusque press conference, Manning, the oldest quarterback to ever win the Super Bowl according to Sports Illustrated, told TODAY that Newton "was extremely humble, congratulated me, wished me the best."

I think Newton,like many young Athlete's, is a multi Millionaire who hasn't learned how to handle himself on the big stage. He reminds me of a young Muhammad Ali. The difference is Ali could talk trash and back it up. Newton still has a lot to prove in his Football career.

Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning saw things differently.

"I'll tell ya', Cam couldn't have been nicer to me," the 39-year-old athlete told TODAY Monday morning. "He was extremely humble, congratulated me, wished me the best. I told him just congratulations on his outstanding season, and just what a great future he has ahead of him. He'll be back in that game, I can promise you."

Despite the brusque press conference, Manning, the oldest quarterback to ever win the Super Bowl according to Sports Illustrated, told TODAY that Newton "was extremely humble, congratulated me, wished me the best."

I think Newton,like many young Athlete's, is a multi Millionaire who hasn't learned how to handle himself on the big stage. He reminds me of a young Muhammad Ali. The difference is Ali could talk trash and back it up. Newton still has a lot to prove in his Football career.


I am NOT a manning fan (being a Patriots fan)... but I believe Manning's comments reflect more on Manning's character than Newton's
I am NOT a manning fan (being a Patriots fan)... but I believe Manning's comments reflect more on Manning's character than Newton's

Yeah, what a shame we did'nt get to see Mr. Bundchen whine for three freaking hours.
I was pulling for Carolina but it was not to be....Newton should take a page from Mannings book on sportsmanship on the loss Denver had a couple years back.
Super Bowl

Did anyone see the video of the postgame press conference? Did anyone notice the Denver player hazing Newton? I'm not letting Newton off the hook for his attitude but the Denver player should be criticized as well.
I'm a Carolina fan and Harris, the Denver, player didn't do or say anything wrong. He was answering a question about how Denver's defense shut the Panthers down. It was all about football, no trash talking that I heard about. Cam's just a whiny millennial that because of his physical ability has gotten coddled and more than his share of free passes along the way.

Bottom line Denver's offensive and defensive line dominated the game. End of story.
imo. Denver's defense is awesome and all that talk just got them deeper into the groove. They played with their helmets and pads and not their mouths! More power to Denver's focus and team play. They deserve the win and fan admiration for a lot of reasons.
The Panthers and many of the current crop of athletes could benefit from some of my father's statements. One was "Save your bragging until the contest is may not be needed." Another was "The faintest praise of all is self praise". Good shooting .......James Mock PS-My dad passed away in 1983, but I still recall many of his poignant sayings.
Really guys

Character, impression, humility, etc. and the judgement of others!! You may think pro-football is just a game you are watching, OK But try to think of it as it really is at this level; a billion dollar business where 300lb men are hitting you so hard it would cripple most people first strike. They are trying to take you out of the business in which you are so talented and richly paid. To set in judgement of a person because of a few words and mannerisms can go to character as well. Its whats in a mans heart, not his hand over it. He is paid for being good at his trade, not for being a monk. I would rather see better character in congress than on the gridiron. I'm a Packers fan, not a amateur character judge. Play ball. ART
Coaching mistake?

Cam just hasn’t learned how to lose. I,ve seen him before,after games that his team loses. During the off season,he could possibly benefit from scheduling an appointment with a clinical professional. Just my thoughts.

Carolina,the best offensive team in Football(Statistically speaking),won the toss and deferred possession to Denver. I think that decision(Coach) could have possibly made some difference in the outcome of the game. If you got the best offense,you want the ball. If you’re lucky enough to get invited to the big dance,you go with what got you there. In the panthers case,that’s offense. Denver scored first and it had a devastating affect on the young Cam Newton and the Panthers.

They never seemed to adjust to playing catchup. The Denver score had the opposite affect on their Defense. “We got em down,lets Step on em” They did just that. The team that scores first in the Super Bowl,wins most of the time.

Some call what I just posted,Monday morning Quarter backing. TIFWIW.

Bill: I too saw the Ice Bowl, but I was on the 40 yard line trying to stay impossible task. bob
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All this crap is the reason I didn't watch it at all.
Young hoodlums, which may not be the majority, get the big bucks.
Hell, I may have acted like they do if I was 22 years old and rich.

I am also of the opinion that when the National Anthem is played they should show respect by placing hand over their heart...... not goofing around doing other stuff.....
bill larson
Talking of the Anthem, I think Lady Gaga did a pretty good job. No fan of hers...But yeah. she did good.
Did you notice how many football fans were wearing their hats, and players wearing their helmets during the singing of the National Anthem? It comes down to simple etiquette. Hundreds of thousands of people leave the American flag flying 24-7. Read our flag code, also. It's really a matter of tradition, rather than a show of respect.