Spread the word about this ever changing news about Sandy Hook school massacre


Senile Member
In the first news reports about the Newtown/Sandy Hook School, massacre, there was the story that the assault rifle and a shotgun found in that jerks car. Our Controlled national media, CNN ABC CBS NBC FOX, et al, hushed that part of the story. Go to the youtube site below and watch the video from NBC News where they now say no "assault weapons were involved in the shooting.

How many times has this story been changed to drive the gun-grab agenda???


Send this link to your friends and anyone who has an INTERNET connection that you know.

More importantly contact your US Senators and Representatives about this.

But then again, FOX and CNN changed the 911 story after the third news cycle, I know because I was watching it "live" that day.
Jerry, I happened to be having a late breakfast the day the shooting took place and was watching TV when the bulletin came on. I watched for the next several hours in disbelief to see what was happening and what the media was reporting. In the "official" police statement, "The shooter was found dead with two pistols (I forget the brands, but not the same) and an 'AR-type' rifle had been found in the trunk of the car." Video from surveillance cameras and news helicopters show the police chasing a man into the woods, capturing him. Police radio broadcasts recorded "there are two of them running past the gymnasium window", followed closely by "they're coming right at me", followed by "I have him proned on the ground". Wonder who they were? Lots of questions need to answered about this tragedy.
Anyone else find it very odd that the fathers of both the shootings are involved in hearings in congress later this month? That's right, the fathers, Holmes (movie theater) and Lanza are both involved in the LIBOR case. The LIBOR case is ongoing case involving big-bank over-nite trading rates for transactions. Look it up. Very odd! It seems to just get worse the more we dig here.
Anyone else find it very odd that the fathers of both the shootings are involved in hearings in congress later this month? That's right, the fathers, Holmes (movie theater) and Lanza are both involved in the LIBOR case. The LIBOR case is ongoing case involving big-bank over-nite trading rates for transactions. Look it up. Very odd! It seems to just get worse the more we dig here.

Would you please elaborate, who's fathers, and what is your source of this information.
