Spotting scope?


New member
Who makes the best spotting scope [I'm kinda cheep] for the $$? Any chance of finding a used one?
We will use it mostly for 100 - 200 yds but would be nice if it would work at 300 and maybe 400 yds.
I have a 36 T on 1 of my rifles and that seems to work as good as most spotting scopes even the 90 X ones?
That's ok but when I shoot iron sites I don't have that advantage.
Got any input?

thanks Link
don't be cheap

value consious but not cheap especially when it comes to optics for shooting.

Get the very best you can and high magnafication has it's benefits, high resolution is equally if not more important, your likely to get both with the higher priced models from reputable optic mfg's.

I bought a Konus 20-60 X 100 to use @ 600 yards. It's every bit a clear and bright as the Pentax we looked at. I paid $300 new. For 100 to 200 yards I would get the Konus 20-60 X 80, $200. You wont be disappointed. Get a good tripod, makes a big difference. There is much discussion and argument over the quality of scope one should buy. Many of us can't at the time justify a $1000+ spotting scope when other equipment needs may take priority. If you search this forum you will find such discussions.
I am the proud owner

of 4 sub quality spotting scopes trying to find something "Cheap" that was as good as the bigger dollar scopes. All of them are pretty good UNTIL heavy mirage shows up. Now, no scope is going to eliminate heavy mirage BUT the scopes with ED glass will show you stuff longer; lots longer than the Bargain scopes.

Like anything else, it is always better to buy the best one can afford and cry the once. :eek: