Something to think about



Several other shooters from different clubs and myself were throwing around an idea of forming a New organization called the International Long Range Shooting Association in the near future. It would deal with 600 yd and 1,000yd shooters. I put this out for discussion and to see how much interest there would be.
I suggest putting out more information.....

What reasoning for a new sanctioning?
What match formats does it propose?
What rule proposals to equipment?
Recognitions to what achievements?

Give me more detail and then I will give a "Yes or No"

Without more details, I would say NO ---- already have 3 sanctionings and feel that is possibly to many.

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran

We just need ONE organization ....not one is terrible to see the fine shooting facility in Ohio going the way of the Dodo because of minor issues that could be solved by textbook events that would draw many times the shooters that have been attending in the past...Our regional director and other officials would be glad to make the move.....Roger
BMF, Simply a great idea but not without problems ,600/1000yd in Australia has rules that have evolved from our local needs, flexibility is required so it's really International.. The Northern OZ shooters would welcolme being apart of a truely international group if a sanction was flexible enough to allow a shoot that would cater for a small number of shooters and a small number of benchs as well as the BIG stuff in the US..We have never been able to get an IBS sanction because we have only 2 benchs,also the most competitors we have at a single event was 16 ,with this in mind we have always shot 2 targets in a day and agged the results for a win in both group and score .. Our guns would be legal in IBS matchs so it's the format that needs to be flexible.. I have about 12 or so shooters at my range that would love to sign up if you can get it going..I know one thing if it were International then each country's Govt will have an even harder time in getting rid of us once we were a World Wide Shooting Group..JR..Jeff Rogers
Several other shooters from different clubs and myself were throwing around an idea of forming a New organization called the International Long Range Shooting Association in the near future. It would deal with 600 yd and 1,000yd shooters. I put this out for discussion and to see how much interest there would be.

I'm not sure about the number of benches necessary, but with the current 1000yd rules under IBS 16 shooters is more than enough to hold a points match. It used to be 20 shooters needed but that changed a couple of years back. I will be leaving to go to the IBS Winter meeting later today, I'll check about the number of benches necessary but I don't remember there being any restrictions.


I'm not sure about the number of benches necessary, but with the current 1000yd rules under IBS 16 shooters is more than enough to hold a points match. It used to be 20 shooters needed but that changed a couple of years back. I will be leaving to go to the IBS Winter meeting later today, I'll check about the number of benches necessary but I don't remember there being any restrictions.


For IBS SOY points it is eight shooters minimum for 600 yd and two for 1000yd.

This can change any year as the LR SOY points rules are set each year by the Long Range Committee.


Hi Jeff , It clearly states in the IBS rule book that a minimum of 5 benchs are required to be a registered IBS range ,we have only 2 and with a bit of sucking up this year we hope to have 4 .. My guess is we will never have the 5 required.. It also states that a minimum of an RO , a statistician, an official scorer, and a pit chairman that are not competitors is required to run a registered match .. Some matchs we flat out have 8 shooters little alone 4 guys doing nothing but official duty's, everybody has to chip in! .. It makes it tough for a small club , but you can be certain that if the target is a good one all the other 7 will have seen it's authenticity before the match is over as all of us are standing around looking over the scorer's shoulder .. Being apart of an International group of shooters is all plus's in my mind..JR..Jeff Rogers

I'm not sure about the number of benches necessary, but with the current 1000yd rules under IBS 16 shooters is more than enough to hold a points match. It used to be 20 shooters needed but that changed a couple of years back. I will be leaving to go to the IBS Winter meeting later today, I'll check about the number of benches necessary but I don't remember there being any restrictions.

For IBS SOY points it is eight shooters minimum for 600 yd and two for 1000yd.

Is the quote above correct?

Hey Expiper You and me could form our own 1,000 yard club and win shooter of the year.
Yes that is correct.
You would have a tough time winning SOY though because you can only use the first 10 matches at the range so if you won every match with just you and Roger the most points you could accumulate is 1.6 points. It would be tough to win SOY with only 1.6 points. That would put you somewhere around 120th place this year. The matches would have to be IBS approved and both you and Roger would have to be IBS members to get any points.

FYI 2009 1000yd SOY rules can be found here. soy 2009 1000 yd.htm

600YD Points

IBS 600 YD shooting is NOT part of the 1000 rules/regulations or Point System. 600 yd shooting is under the rules of the 100-200 yds. To earn Precision Rifleman points at least 20 shooters must compete.
Paul Ryan
I don't know about precision rifleman points but 600yd SOY points are based on 600yd SOY rules not 100 200 or 1000yd. The 2009 600yd SOY rules can be found here. soy 2009 600 yd.htm

As I said before both 600 yd and 1000 yd SOY rules are approved each year by the IBS Long Range Committee, so they can change any given year. To know what they are each year you need to check after they have been approved sometime after the annual meeting.
