Something positive about shipping

Boyd Allen

Active member
I hear so many dropped on the porch without ringing bell, or getting signature stories about big brown that I thought that I would put in a plug for one of their competitors. I just got an order of auto parts that were sent with a signature requirement. The FedEx driver did it all by the book, left a note on the door yesterday, and brought it back this morning, and got the signature. The box was in perfect shape, not a mark on it. In the future, if I am not using the PO for shipping something, FedEx will be at the top of my list. What have your experiences with this carrier been?

Like politics, shipping is all local. FedEx may be good for you, in your town, and bad for me, in my town. Here, in beautiful downtown Linden AZ, UPS is the only way to go when I need a private carrier such as when I ship ammunition. Otherwise, it's USPS, especially for guns.

My experience with FedEx?? I'd rate them as a "1" on a scale of "10".

I hear so many dropped on the porch without ringing bell, or getting signature stories about big brown that I thought that I would put in a plug for one of their competitors. I just got an order of auto parts that were sent with a signature requirement. The FedEx driver did it all by the book, left a note on the door yesterday, and brought it back this morning, and got the signature. The box was in perfect shape, not a mark on it. In the future, if I am not using the PO for shipping something, FedEx will be at the top of my list. What have your experiences with this carrier been?

Ordered an electronic dog collar a few years ago from LL Bean in Freeport, ME. I live about 120 miles away. They ship small stuff by FedEx ground. Eight days later I still didn't have the collar. I called and before I could get a reply it showed up in the US Mail. Seems FedEx said they tried to deliver but I never had a card or notice from them. They probably just mailed it from their Bangor, ME terminal. Have bought a few things from CMP, they use FedEx. Not issues there. --Greg

Like politics, shipping is all local. FedEx may be good for you, in your town, and bad for me, in my town. Here, in beautiful downtown Linden AZ, UPS is the only way to go when I need a private carrier such as when I ship ammunition. Otherwise, it's USPS, especially for guns.

My experience with FedEx?? I'd rate them as a "1" on a scale of "10".


I've uses USPS registered mail for any gun shipments out for repair and have NEVER had a problem of any kind. If it's good enough for the diamond merchants, it's good enough for me. --Greg
I've used Fedex for all my order deliveries for many years. In all that time only had one lost package and they paid the insurance on that package in short order with no drama. They have been excellent in book.

Rick Graham
I just ordered a part on amazon for an AR-15,the part weighs about 6 ounces and could have been shipped in a small brown padded envelope via USPS, however LG Sports decided on UPS and the shipping was so close to half the price of this small item. Unbelievable! Needless to say you have to pay attention to shipping cost when you place an order. I will never order anything from this outfit again! On top of that if I want to send it back they are going to charge a 15% re-stocking fee!

Like politics, shipping is all local. FedEx may be good for you, in your town, and bad for me, in my town. Here, in beautiful downtown Linden AZ, UPS is the only way to go when I need a private carrier such as when I ship ammunition. Otherwise, it's USPS, especially for guns.

My experience with FedEx?? I'd rate them as a "1" on a scale of "10".


i'm rarely around for either UPS or FedEx. they won't permit a hazmat shipment to be 'held for pickup'. i've lost quite a bit of money on 2 powder shipments in shipping + hazmat + restocking fees -- i had to refuse delivery.

i asked them, if it can't be held for pickup, where do you store it overnight? is it safer in a truck filled with diesel? so far, no response from them...
i have a standing order with one of my wholesalers.."no fedex shipments"
fedex REQUIRES SIGNATURE on hazmat orders, ups does gets my business.

i had an order,fedex that was supose to be here on a thursday. we had snow...16" of snow. i checked fedex's site...on truck for delivery. i went out and shoveled my driveway, and out into the street so there was a nice path. stayed home all was 16" of snow. fedex truck drives up street, does not stop here. no delivery and at 6pm thier site changes the status to deliver on friday. now i have to stay home all day friday.( fedex has a pre signature agreement. you sign up and they leave packages based on your pre signed apparently does not apply to hazmat). 4 oclock or so a fedex truck drives by and stops at the end of the block..i sit watching the truck. go check the computer....still listed as on truck for delivery.
i call...ohhh yes on truck for delivery. 5 oclock no delivery. 6 oclock call back....ohhh yes on truck for delivery....6:05 no delivery attempt resched for next day...monday!
after some choice words on my part a contract employee delivered my 8pm!!!

life is not fair and schit does happen..but on both days the truck, with the package drove up my block and no attempt was made to deliver the package.
it was too cold for the poor little boy.....
no more fedex.....
and yes i have had to raise my voice to ups..but very seldom

i currently have USPS priority mail 60 lb package missing in denver on a trip from kansas to aurora, just so of denver.
thier system says it has sat in one location for 7 days.
priority mail does not "sit" it moves..slows on sat, pretty much stops on sunday..but to sit for five work days...they have lost the package.....
like i said life is not fair...
mike in co
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I have a good fedex one for you ;
bought sixteen pounds of powder from Cabelas they had a special price and i had a ton of points so I did not pay anything. The box came fedex was so light I had a fit :eek:pened it with the driver there both canisters were empty.
called cabelas they sent me two more ups .Driver left it on my door step ----------PLAINLY MARKED EXPLOSIVES SIGNATURE REQUIRED.

dont know which is worse.
Just today, A package arrived on UPS. I wasn't home at the time, so the driver brought it to me at my favorite breakfast
spot. Said he recognized my truck. Now thats service. Past experiences with Fed-Ex have been poor. Once when I was not
at home, it went back to the depo. Note on the door said, you must claim your package within 24 hrs. When I called them,
I was told it would only be available for 2 hours that evening, and would be sent back if not claimed.---- Great
I have a good fedex one for you ;
bought sixteen pounds of powder from Cabelas they had a special price and i had a ton of points so I did not pay anything. The box came fedex was so light I had a fit :eek:pened it with the driver there both canisters were empty.
called cabelas they sent me two more ups .Driver left it on my door step ----------PLAINLY MARKED EXPLOSIVES SIGNATURE REQUIRED.

dont know which is worse.

Doens't say much for Cabella's either eh.

My experiences with FedEx are from many years ago. There were so many troubles I simply stopped buying from any company that shipped using them. First, if I wasn't here to sign for a package, in spite of the fact that I had a release with them and the release form was on the door, they would not deliver the package. Then, I'd have to drive an hour round trip to get the package. The very last time, I had a next day air coming for a customer that did not get delivered, and I not only had to drive to get it, but had to wait till 6pm to do so. Furious doesn' t cover it. That's just one example of more than I have time to type about.

Of the literally 1000's of packages I've shipped, or had shipped to me in the past 20 years, I have 0 by fed-ex. And many more won't be sent by them either. I like them so much I won't use FedEx Freight either unless the customer pays collect and demands they are used. I don't even want them stepping in my building.
No problems with Fed-ex. They even delivered on Sat. Twice.
UPS. Will not stop on Fridays. Mon-Thurs. no problem. Fridays never. Called and complained did not get anywhere.
Haz-mat is dropped at the door. Of course. They don't ring the bell....
I have had no problems with Fedex in the limited deliveries they have made to me, BUT did anyone see the clip on tv showing the box containing sensitive electronics carelessly tossed over a front yard fence during the Christmas season by a Fedex driver? Gives one pause for thought to say the least!
I know my UPS driver from some years of delivering to me and I give them the thumbs up.
Never a problem with Fed Ex in the past 10 years. No losses or damage. Good customer service. I just got a full refund on a Priority Overnight box that was delivered 4 hours late.

UPS--not uncommon for loss or damage and they resist settlements when problems occur.

USPS will not insure for more than $5000 for Express Mail.
Boyd Allen

Boyd they all basically work the same.

If it says Signature required on the package and your driver knows your not going to be a giant turd most will sign for the package themselves and leave it with you so you or they don't have to make a second trip.If you have loose dogs a closed gate or high fence plan on driving into town to pick up the package yourself.If you have a dozen pitbulls living inside your house trying to break down the front door the driver is most likely going to notify you.Despite what people may think nobody likes your dogs at all.

My father receives a lot of packages and when we hear the driver drop something off we yell Thank You and all is good.

On USPS registered mail the driver will never sign it for you because it is one of the easiest ways of getting relieved from duty.

On Fed-Ex some of the rural routes get bid on usually by local businessman who then hire non-Fed-Ex employed drivers to deliver the packages.As you can imagine its all about who the driver is an if he/she has any pride in there job and if they are getting any money.

Mike In Co.

Mike at the USPS you can now track 98% of all packages from your home computer.If you see a posting that says "Delivery Attempted" and the driver never even slowed down that can actually happen and be legitimate.I know you were talking UPS but on USPS most carriers will mark packages with a plastic marker.If for some reason they miss marked the package or couldn't find the package in the vehicle it is still considered attempted if they "Took It To The Street". During the Christmas holiday rush when the vehicles are filled to the top this is more frequent.Relief carriers who fill in on saturdays or when your regular carrier is out will often times par down the mail in order to get back to the office on time.

The most common problem by far is extremely poor packaging.
A poorly marked house will also cause problems.
I have talked with people that refuse to put up a road sign indicating there streets name and absolutely refuse to put an address on there house.If the carrier marks there mailbox for them we get even more complaints.