Something Jackie Schmidt and I can relate to-

What a shame! Talking about the direction America has taken of course! Video is awesome!
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I don't see the point. Jackie is still doing well! Maybe he will have something to say about running that old stuff compared to what he runs now.
I learned the machinist trade on old machines just like in the video. Several old converted belt line machines that had been modified with such items as old truck transmissions to change gears. That saw in the video? We had one exactly like it. I helped my Dad re pour the Babbitt crank bearings when I was about 16 years old.

Since we still use all manual machines, the actual machine shop practice is still quite similar to machines built as far back as the early 1900's. But that is where the similarities end. We are very fortunate now to have thoroughly modern machines designed and built for today's modern tooling and today's industrial demands.

We now employ 15 men. We sort of serve a "nich" industry, we do repair and new construction for the Marine Industry. True, we have moved way beyond the dirt floor and old belt line, but we still employ real machinist, and our work still depends on the skill of the man as much as the quality of the machines.

As was said in other posts, there are shops like mine scattered all over the country, serving specific industries with specific needs.
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That video is of an episode of Texas Country Reporter, Bob Phillips on RFD-TV. He has exceptional programs that offer a view into what Texas, the U.S. ( and CANADA, Eh) once stood for and were. I remember seeing that episode about two years ago. We need more programs and more people like what we saw in that tape. Now that I think of it, there are shops like that even today but not many are publicized.

There are still "oil patch" shops like that and men like that and machines of that vintage. We (Eastman Chemical Co -Longview) still have those vital men and machines too.....but...apparently no one gives a least enough to take America back...Patriot Act/Freedom Act....same thing!!

How many of you contacted your members of our bought-and-paid for Congress???? In 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004....2014....2015.....ever or never???

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Machine Shops/Blacksmith Shop/Fix Anything Shop

You all are correct.........we are at a loss..........every community needs a shop like this......anything breaks..lawnmowers/bicycles/autos/tractors....
they should allow a high school kid 1 yr. to get a taste..... get them started.....
There are a lot of home shops like this in Alaska.....
Great video...So many skills will die with their owners..they should be teaching classes of apprentices
Their problem solving and creativity can only be learned first hand and not from some book
I especially liked the drawing in the dirt. I looked all over and could not find the computer anywhere. :)
There are still "oil patch" shops like that and men like that and machines of that vintage. We (Eastman Chemical Co -Longview) still have those vital men and machines too.....but...apparently no one gives a least enough to take America back...Patriot Act/Freedom Act....same thing!!

How many of you contacted your members of our bought-and-paid for Congress???? In 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004....2014....2015.....ever or never???



I waste way too much time contacting my Congressmen and my State legislators know me on a first name basis. I should send that shop my Mining Safety Health Adminstration union inspectors. They would shut that place down in a heart beat and fine the $hit out of them.
Don't get me started.


I waste way too much time contacting my Congressmen and my State legislators know me on a first name basis. I should send that shop my Mining Safety Health Adminstration union inspectors. They would shut that place down in a heart beat and fine the $hit out of them.
Don't get me started.


Dave, to a pol one person is a pest but 5,000 are a concerned constituency! Lobbyists and their money are not votes, we are!!
