So many Niteforce Competition Scopes for Resale!


New member
I'm just wondering why there are so many New or nearly New Niteforce Competition Series Scopes being listed on these and Classifieds?????:confused:
It is a new offering and clearly designed to compete with the Leopold Competition Series and the various March varients. The scopes are being offered at below new price with the description as new in the box to only been to the range a couple of times!

It causes me to wonder what is causing these people to resell their newly acquired scope???
Is it the reticule? Optics? weight? WHAT??
General consensus is that the optics are fine, but the eye relief is both short and narrow and the choice of reticles leaves much to be desired expecially for short range benchrest.
I just bought one of these scopes that was only a few weeks old. The original owner just couldn't deal with the size of the dot. I read every complaint I could find before I bought, so I knew what I was getting. The optics seem fine, although I haven't competed with it yet, but plan to do so this W/E.

My puzzlement is how they could have come up with the two reticles they chose. I'm told that the dot covers the entire 10 ring at 1000 yards and I know for a fact it covers the dot on a UBR score target. I think I can live with it until additional ones are offered, but it is about 3 times too large for my use. I really would like to know what the folks at NF were thinking when they did this.

I'm just wondering why there are so many New or nearly New Niteforce Competition Series Scopes being listed on these and Classifieds?????:confused:
It is a new offering and clearly designed to compete with the Leopold Competition Series and the various March varients. The scopes are being offered at below new price with the description as new in the box to only been to the range a couple of times!

It causes me to wonder what is causing these people to resell their newly acquired scope???
Is it the reticule? Optics? weight? WHAT??

Niteforce sounds like a Chinese clone of the the original name Nightforce.

My gut reaction along with the numerous listings on says to stay clear of that one.

Go for the tried and proven Leupold or March competition scopes.

The old saying "you get what you pay for" holds true the majority of the time. :)
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Re: abintx Post

Sorry I just misspelled name cause I'm definitely talking about the $2200 Nightforce Competition with CTR or DDR Reticle! abnormally high amount of them for resale compared to the number out there!!!

Thanks for all posts!
Long Story

I have been on a quest to find the panacea for the optimum BR scope. :confused: I have owned B&L's, Weavers, Leupold's, March, Night Force BR & NSX and all have fallen short in one way or another. B&L & Weavers great bang for the buck. Very clear but limited reticle selection and power.
Had 5 different Marches. Great reticle selection but ....dim...dim...dim and there wasn't one of the 5 that I could focus crisply & parallax simultaneously.
The NF BR's were very good with the exception of the weight and reticle selection.
Presently have 5 Leupold Comp scopes and in MHO they are the most clear/bright scopes I have tried, bar none.
Reticle selection is weak and I have found I can't trust them. There isn't one of the five that hasn't been back to Leupold for repair, at least once a year. The maddening thing is that BLUE repair sheet that is returned with the scopes NEVER indicates what they found to be the problem, just what they did. (Unfortunately, by knowing what they did, I do not have enough knowledge of a scopes anatomy to know what may have been wrong) Last time I sent scopes in for repair I went as far as phoning ahead and spoken with the tech who would personally take care of this scope. I did not explain to him what the scope was doing, rather asked him to assess it. I asked if there was a problem, that he verify what it was and include his findings on the repair invoice. I also enclosed a detailed letter reiterating our conversation so as to refresh his memory. Guess what.....I received the scope back and NO explanation of what was found, only the repairs that were done....:mad:....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. know what I'm talking about. Next, as I did, very much like the initial Night Force BR offerings, except for the weight, decided to try the new Night Force Comp as it is a mere 28 oz. LOL. I abhor the 1/8 dot but do like the scope overall. I am hoping NF will come up with more acceptable reticles soon. I find it to be crystal clear until you get up over 45X, then it dims slightly (acceptable). Clicks are crisp and so far it holds POI very well. I have only shot a few matches with it and I guess I will learn its little nuances as time goes by. In the meantime will hold on to my Leupold's. I did find a way to get some reticle flexibility without voiding the Warranty.:eek:
I had one for a short time but the problems were short eye relief 3 1/8", very critical also. The power is way over rated or my other NF scopes are under rated. The dot is big but at 1K it's no big deal just center it in the box. It shot good but you can't see your hit because of the critical eye relief and it's worse at 600 if you zero on clay birds and have to see the hit. If you hold the gun this may not be an issue....... jim

A big issue! As Shinny has said, many people have tried a bunch of scopes. I haven't tried as many as he has, but a few.

First and foremost, it has to hold POA. It can't move. That seems to be the issue with Leupold. I had a March, while it seemed to hold, it did not work with my eyes, it was worse than most by far. I have several Weavers, they all hold well, the resolution isn't as good as a Leupold, but I put up with it.

My best for me is hands down a BR Nightforce. I would rather have a fine crosshairs, but I use what it has. For my eyes, it just plain works. I turn the power down to 30 or so, and I can see anything I want with a big field of view.

Haven't used a new NF, but I doubt I would spend that much anyway.

If I were going to buy a new scope, I would look real hard at the Sightron 36 Big Sky. I know some like more power, but a 36 is OK for me.
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Thanks for the Feedback!

I really appreciate all the responses to y post it's giving me some much needed feedback! What I take is that Nightforce didn't do the best job on reticle selection and the eye relief is short!
Thanks Guys!

I really appreciate all the responses to y post it's giving me some much needed feedback! What I take is that Nightforce didn't do the best job on reticle selection and the eye relief is short!
Thanks Guys!

The biggest reason is the new 52mm model is WAY lighter. It was virtually impossible to make LV weight with the old BR model, and tough to make 13.5 HV weight. I tried it.
I like my new Nightforce Competition scope!

I use mine in F-TR competition, don't have any complaints with the DDR reticule. The dot doesn't obscure the "X" ring on MR or LR targets. The small eyebox isn't an issue, you're suppose to be consistant with your cheekweld and the eyebox helps. The scope is definetly clearer than my BR scope. I have had to turn the mag down to 45X in heavy mirage, would have had to turn th BR scope down to 35X in the same conditions. I've seen one of the experimental recticules that might be available next year, a little more busy that the NP-R2 I have in my BR model.
I shot my NF 15x55 in a UBR match Saturday. I would still prefer a smaller dot, but I had no problem with this one at 100 or 200 yards. The eye relief is less the my 12x42 BR models and could be a problem with a 30BR, but I shoot a 220 Beggs, so there is no issue. I got used to it quick enough. If I could afford another one at the same price I paid for this one I would do it without hesitation. But, I still wonder what they were thinking when they chose the two available reticles.

Greyfox doesn't yours have a smaller dot on the bottom of the lens, thats the idea of the DDR. If the top one is too big use the other. At 1000 yards my top one has all kinds of room at thats with the Benchrest on 42 power.

Joe Salt
Greyfox doesn't yours have a smaller dot on the bottom of the lens, thats the idea of the DDR. If the top one is too big use the other. At 1000 yards my top one has all kinds of room at thats with the Benchrest on 42 power.

Joe Salt

You are correct. It is similar to the design of the NP-2D (I think). The problem is that if one chooses to use the lower dot, sometimes in the heat of competition it's easy to forget and use the top dot. As one who frequents this forum but will remain nameless can testify to, this can be disastrous. It will turn an "X" into a "5" in less than a heartbeat, not a good plan.

I am the guy that sold his New Competition scope to Rick (Greyfox). It did in fact have the DDR reticle, I bought this scope for F-Open and for me the dot covered waaaayyy to much of the target. In my string of shots of record I hold off, and that basketball sized dot covered way to much to have any definition on the target for those hold off's. I actually only shot one relay at a 1,000 yds with this scope and knew it had to go. So I switched back to my NXS for the last two relays that day. On that first relay I shot a 184-5x score after the swap I shot on the second relay a 199-14x and on the third a 198-12x. The way I see this is with the new NF scope I dropped 16 points in one relay under Polly Anna type conditions early in the morning. The next two relays were shot with very twitchy winds and I only dropped 3 point in both of those two last relays, shooting the older NXS. I'm blaming that damn scope.

And then to make everything even worse, I sell the scope to Rick and decided to take it to him in person and shoot one of his UBR VFS matchs. Man "O" Man was that a humbling experience. I should have known better than go and shoot with those "Point Blank" benchrest shooters, I mean I even purchased a 30BR Point Blank rifle to shoot that dang match. Well them "I shoot up close" kinda folks had no mercy on this old long range shooter. I got my butte handed to me in a hand basket I'm telling you, it just aint right I'm telling you--Them Tennessee boys doing that to me, Hell I use to have powers...

...Well them "I shoot up close" kinda folks had no mercy on this old long range shooter. I got my butte handed to me in a hand basket I'm telling you, it just aint right I'm telling you...

You're dam straight it ain't right, Roland. When us long-range shooters go & fire a point-blank match, those guys have to respect us. You don't have to win, but you better finish in the top 25%.

So go practice.

Yes Charles it just wasn't right, those fellers could have been a little more accommodating. I will say this, these UBR guys are a great bunch to shoot with, and I enjoyed the day completely. That's not really a hard thing to do when so many make you feel welcome, and I plan to shoot with them again. My plans were to shoot there next match but a F-Class match jumped right into the middle of that plan. My placing in the match I did shoot was a wake up call about Point Blank shooting period, it is an extremely difficult game especially when you don't have a clue as to what you are doing.

I also shot two rifles, one the 30BR I bought for these matches, and in there Unlimited Class I shot my F-Class rifle. In the unlimited class I did finish third, that was all fine and well until I saw that there were exactly three shooters in that class.

Hey Roland,
Sorry we were so tough on you. But when we don't have a guy from far away to beat everybody beats up on me, so thanks for that. We'll give you another shot at us on August 3rd. This time we'll only shoot 100/200, so it will be much easier....right? Bring your friends. Charles you should come over and show Roland how it's done. :)

....... Man "O" Man was that a humbling experience. I should have known better than go and shoot with those "Point Blank" benchrest shooters.........


So true!

I'm completely comfortable with 600yd shooting, I've shot with some of the best in the west and always felt "in the game."

I feel the same about 1K....... lotta' luck involved and a lot of GUN involved, I'm OK there. I always screw up but I'm in the game. I can make a gun shoot, I suck but when a gun SHOOTS it's easier.

NOT SO at 100/200!

I've shot with 100/200yd Bench Resters. A WHOLE nuther ballgame....... I did then, and would today get my ass handed to me at 100/200yds. Ain't much luck up close, up close guys are bad ass shooters, the top of the top of the top, even practicing with them is tiring. Del Bishop could spend an entire afternoon shooting 3 groups. I've got group shooting only 2hrs away and haven't yet felt ready to go try it. It takes me a solid week of shooting every day just to feel competitive (not that I would be, just to FEEL it) and driving two hrs to "shoot with the guys" with no hope of even lucky-hanging isn't all that appealing to me. I simply don't have the time to make that commitment right now, 100/200 is HARD!

I'm glad you tried it Roland.

There useta' be a story on the old F-Class forum about a 100/200 BR Gunsmith/Shooter who delivered a gun to an F-Class match. True story.... And the guys at the match heckled him until he shot with them. I mean HECKLED, like "come shoot with the REAL men" heckled.

So he went to the car and scabbed together a rifle........

And it wasn't pretty........

You remember the story about Timothy Treadwell??? The dude who went to live with the grizzlies in AK??

And they ATE him???

like that

