Slow Match Results

Terry Balding

New member
Why do match results take so long to be posted?

You shoot the match, they announce the winners, they hand out the awards, and you wait weeks to see the results posted.

The have the results in their hand! Why can't they hand the out, email them, or just post them.

I used to post the Sacramento 600/1000 results here and in the newsletter.When the match is over they would hand me a page with the results but at that time it was not computer generated.I would drive the 3 hours to get home unload my truck eat dinner and fall asleep.
The next day was usually monday so I would get up at 4:30 am and get ready for work.After a monday at work I would then start the process of converting nicknames into actual shooters names and hopefully spell a few of them correctly.
Now you turn on your computer and with one well trained finger you attempt to format the results in a nice clean easy to read result that everyone will like to see without any errors.
I would then cut copy and paste this to the web and the paper plus as many shooters as I could find e-mails for.
I enjoyed the shooting and the shooters back then and it was the least I could do to help the sport.
I would think the biggest obstacle is all the ciphering and typing required to do the job correctly remembering nobody gets paid to do it and most people have busy schedules when they are not competing.
Most of the shooters at our old club don't post and several don't own computers or want one.My father has never posted a message or even read any posts unless I pointed them out for him.
In a nutshell no results have been posted since I quit doing it 2 years ago unless it was the nationals.
No volunteers to do the job.

Thanks for your reply.

Most of the matches we shoot today have us in the computer before the match starts. They use the computer for generating the results, They have the data complete and still won't post it in a timely manner.

I would accept even rough data over no data.

Thanks Again!

Most of the matches we shoot today have us in the computer before the match starts. They use the computer for generating the results, They have the data complete and still won't post it in a timely manner.
Well, just because it is in a computer does not mean it is easily converted to the web.

I would accept even rough data over no data.
I can say from experience that you might say this now, but your tune will change. Trust me, it makes no difference how nice you make it or how fast, it won't be fast enough or nice enough to suit all. Therefore, the alternative is, no results. Been there done that, seen it before multiple times, multiple clubs.

Look at recent threads concerning PS Mag... Mirrors my statements above.

Take a camera and shoot a picture of the wailing wall... <--- I've done this too!
Phil, he sounds like an eager volunteer to me. That club should sign him up.
As you've no doubt noticed Charles, in a shooting club, there are far more volunteers for white collar jobs than there are blue-collar...
Why do match results take so long to be posted?

You shoot the match, they announce the winners, they hand out the awards, and you wait weeks to see the results posted.

The have the results in their hand! Why can't they hand the out, email them, or just post them.


Volunteer to take over those duties and you will answer your own question better than anyone here can!

As you point out, it is easy! :)
Lynn pretty much hit the nail on the head. After getting up at 5:30, driving to the range 45 minutes away, spending nearly two hours setting up for a 2 yardage match, shoot two rifles, score targets, run match, cook lunch etc, then after the match reverse the process. Get home unload etc. The computer program puts the match in Excel. It must be converted into a simple format to put on the web easily. Get the picture? Oh, BTW- this gig doesn't pay anything but satisfaction.
I agree. Sounds like someone needs to be a volunteer.

Shooters at the Piedmont Gun Club can expect to get results via email the same weekend as the match and at the latest Monday . Tommy Williams runs the match and does the score keeping with his two daughters but doesn't shoot the match himself . Shooting there you can get spoiled on getting match results promptly. Tommy sets the bar pretty high as far as this goes. I got results yesterday via email from Saturday's match and someone told me that the results are already posted on the IBS website. Somebody is on the ball.

I am so thankful that Robert puts up with us and provides such a great place to shoot, opening his home to us, that I can wait a little for results. Thanks Robert and family.
I'll second what Eggman said! We shoot the match on Saturday and by Sunday evening the excell file appears in an e-mail!
Excellent set up!
Thanks Tommy Williams
Rich De
These guys got it right!

10 March- Swainsboro, Georgia : Matches #5 & #6 1000yd
10 March - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC 600yd

Posted on IBS Site.
It has been brought to my attention that at least one person thinks this post was directed at a specific range or operator, it was not. I posted early in the season to gain understanding. I learned a lot. Hats off to all those who make matches possible. We/I deeply appreciate your work. To any who would welcome help with this I will expand my offer. If you provide me me with the results of any match I shoot in print, PDF, or Excel spreadsheet I will post them for you. If you will provide the needed information I will ask my webmaster to post them on your website at my expense.

Again thanks to all ranges and those who make this sport possible.

Terry, who told you I thought this was directed at a certain person, we all know it must have been a match that you were at. I have some dirt to shovel, weeds to pull, grass to mow, roads to grade, some down trees to cut, a canopy to fix, thats just the easy stuff. I will be more than happy to give you a job if your looking for volunteer work. Our work weekend is next saturday and sunday, and I have 47 kids in firearm safety on saturday maybe you can take my place on saturday.
Gordy Mitchell
Terry, who told you I thought this was directed at a certain person, we all know it must have been a match that you were at. I have some dirt to shovel, weeds to pull, grass to mow, roads to grade, some down trees to cut, a canopy to fix, thats just the easy stuff. I will be more than happy to give you a job if your looking for volunteer work. Our work weekend is next saturday and sunday, and I have 47 kids in firearm safety on saturday maybe you can take my place on saturday.
Gordy Mitchell

Thanks for keeping it light!

In my spare time I have a range to build so next year they can talk about me.

I will be at your next match. Look forward to seeing you then.

Terry, I had to give you some crap, I had the day off and was bored. How many benches you gonna have? 6? How far from Harris will the range be? Are you doing this on your land or existing range? Why not this year? Whats the name of your range?
Gordy Mitchell
Terry, I had to give you some crap, I had the day off and was bored. How many benches you gonna have? 6? How far from Harris will the range be? Are you doing this on your land or existing range? Why not this year? Whats the name of your range?
Gordy Mitchell

Columbus Sportsman's Association, Columbus, WI. I have 8 bench tops now. Hope to have 10-15 total. 300 miles from Harris, MN
We are putting a steel roof on the 600 yard berm. Shooting matches every weekend leaves little time to build it.