Short Action Customs does not support neck turning


New member
I've used Short Action Custom neck bushings in my Wilson neck bushing dies for my .223 brass. I get a Max run out of .0005" using their bushings. I called Short Action Customs for .258", .259" bushings for my six PPC and my six Dasher. They don't make anything that low stating that they don't support the turning of brass. Again stating, "that it creates more problems than it solves."
That's a shame because I like SAC neck bushings because of their less aggressive taper where the brass enters. I find that the concentricity is consistently less than the Wilson bushings.
Has anyone used neck bushings from other manufacturers with GREAT results?
PostScript.... I never had a problem turning brass. Other than resharpening the carbide cutter. Which wasn't a problem but time-consuming. Thank you for your time.
I've heard the Micron bushings measure well. I've got a couple and have no complaints. All my record rounds and any test rounds get spun on concentricity tool to "paint" the front of the bullet with sharpie markers.
The only time I put the indicator to them is if I see or feel a wobble while painting the tip. It's crazy how small a wobble you can see and feel holding the marker tip on the bullet while spinning it.
well if the rifle is not built yet, bart is running some no turn neck guns with the quality of current maybe talk to him( i still turn almost everything i shoot from 222 to 338 edge)