Shooting that switching wind


New member
I shoot a 40X free recoil. I shoot a little better when the wind is coming in from the right and moving to the left, but still do well with a left to right wind. However when the wind is coming in from one side and immediately switches to the opposite side , this is a problem. Most of the time the wind makes an immediate switch without ever slowing down. It continues to increase or decrease and is never steady.

I shoot a lot, every Saturday & Sunday and sometimes during the week. The winds recently have been very strong, 15 to 25. Even at these speeds I do okay, until it becomes switching. I use flags and a wind indicator. The wind indicator is a big plus for me.

Beside additional practice, is there something else I should be doing or look for?
One thing that has helped me, when the wind is switching rapidly, is to shoot with my head up. After aiming, I sit up and stay that way until I need to aim the next shot.

Added later: When I originally responded, I found the thread on a list of new posts,and failed to notice that it was from the rimfire forum. I have never shot score,and have never shot a rimfire match. Sorry about that.
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during a match, or at home with some extra flags, watch several lanes left and right to pick up a switch before it reaches your lane.
I agree, the winds in Houston this spring have been absolutely brutal; switchy, gusty, twitchy. It really boils down to practice and studying the flags. Watch the flags on each side of you or the whole field, this will tell you what is coming. Don't shoot during a switch, i.e while the flag is moving. As the flag is further away I give it less importance, i.e. the first flag is the most critical. Watch the flags through your left eye as you look through the scope, or shoot heads up if you can't do that. Practice, Practice, Practice. Do all that and you will still get caught, just not as much as the next guy.

P.S. D.L. is that you?

Couple of other thoughts:

I don't adjust the scope for windage, with the way the winds have been in Houston, you have to be able to shoot more than one condition.

Some of the best practice for me is to shoot a complete target, then start over trying to put another round through the same hole no matter where that hole is on the bull.