Seymore, Texas UL HV Sat Results


Tomball Gun Club
The match was contested in winds from the north at 15-30+ MPH...... =)

UL 100

Mike Conry 3000

Jackie Schmidt 3096

Gene Bukys 3362

Jerry Hensler 3556

Ronnie Cheek 3570

UL 200

Mike Stinnett 3841 (30ppc rail) Way to go Mike!!! :)

Mike Conry 4000

John Horn 4061

Tray Reed 4602

Jerry Hensler 4846

UL Grand

Mike Conry 3500

John Horn 3893

Mike Stinnett 3905

Jerry Hensler 4201

Gene Bukys 4457

HV 100 / 200 will be contested Sun. Lighter winds are forecasted for tomorrow @ 10-20mph.

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Congratulations guys,
The cream always rises to the top. You are seeing guys to worry about at the Nationals in Midland.
Maybe I'm just older and see things a little different, but aren't we having stronger winds in our region this year?
I don't think it is your imagination. I can't remember wind this long and strong. I can't recall the last calm day. I guess we are getting lots of wind so we can practice our shooting in the wind techniques. :) The wind was BAD at Seymour but the mirage was the worse I have ever shot in, as reflected in my 200 yard match scores! Couldn't even see the rings or where the bullets were impacting on the sighter target. What a mess !
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
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Congrats to all the winners.....Question for Jackie


How did Jerry's electronic wind flags do in that windy condition? I know he and Tommy shot well in New Braunfels in some horrible wind conditions. Just wondering what your thoughts are now you have seen them yourself.

Kris, I shot a group in practice with Jerry's Rail over them, watching nothing but that red dot. The conditions were terrible, and I had less than a bullet hole of horizonal.
There was .350 verticle, but Jerry said the Rifle was no where near a competitive tune.

My opinion, they do work as advertised, but you will have to have an Rifle tuned to the hilt. The reason being, the "machine" averages all of the conditions, there might be a mixture of everything out there, the sytem anylizes the overall and tells you where the bullet is going. Since the bullet might encounter different angles and velocities of conditions throughout it's pat, tune will become even more important.

Jerry lamented after one big group at 200 that the "machine" said no hold, but he looked through the scope and saw that mirage running 90 mph, and jacked the crossahirs over. He said the bullet went exactly where he held.

We were kidding him, saying if you have to trust the "machine", it just proved it was smarter than he.

We nicknamed his gizmo "Hal", after the infamous computer in 2001, Space Odessy. You MUST do as it says.

I think Jerry is on to something. I think the big benefit will be in horrendous stuff like we had at Seymour, not in lighter switchy conditions. Only time will tell........jackie
For what it's worth, my Sunday in the HV 200 ended rather abruptly when I shot a nice .602, (in some headious conditions), that would have kept me near the top. The only problem was, it was on Glenn Chisms target.

When they said commence fire, I saw a condition sort of staying steady, and I jumped all over it. I was though with my group before Glenn even got off his sighter. I did not even realize what I had done untill he said, "somebody shot my target". Since I was shooting my 30BR, I did not even have the option of denying I was the culprit.:rolleyes:

At my Club Matches, the first thing I ask all competitors to do before I announce each match is "check your competitor number". I am due some pretty heavy "ribbing" over this little episode.

Still had fun.........jackie
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