Seeking info about the 22-6mm cartidge?



Hi All,
Here the other day I came acrossed a barrel that was threaded for my S.R. Mauser action, The barrel as I was told was lightly used and it does look like that! Rifling and the throat looked good. So I have been reading about the 22-6mm and I have read good and bad about it. What I wanted to ask, I been reloading for a long time and I know that sometimes to have to do a lot to get that perfect round. The most of my reading I have read that the 22-6mm is really fast and flat, but barrel life is short! Can't a person work around to get a load that shoots flat and doesn't get the narrel up?
I would like to hear from you guys that have or at some time have had a 22-6mm and I would like to hear your stories.


There's no free lunch. Some of the super-fast varmint wildcats can shoot out a barrel in one week-end session in a big prairie dog town.

Hi Ray,
Yes indeed you are right! Sure glad i didn't get one before I got hurt!! Most likely would of cost me a lot of money, because i have spent all day in a good dog town, they just keep moving back untill they run out of town!! i will get the 22-6mm. I no longer can injoy those activites I just shoot off a bench.I do know after my reading and your post, that if I like the cartidge the next barrel will be a strait profile so where I burn it out I will just chuck it up in the lathe and rechamber it and then caught a thread or 2.
Ray, can you recommend a place I can go and look at some numbers dealing with the 22-6mm?
A good contact would be Lonnie Hummell at Hornady. He probably originated this one in the 1970's and some of his loads are in the Hornady loading manual. Also an article on him and the 22-6mm titled "The 22 at a Thousand Yards" in the September 2010 issue of Precision Shooting.

Thanks Stonewall,
Hi Glenn, I will contact Lonnie Hummell, can a person call Hornady or email or what? I wonderif I can email Precision Shooting and see if they have a back issue of Sept. 2010?
I ask these questions because I havn't ever done anything like that.
Send me your email and I will send you a MS Word format copy of the article.
My email is dgburroughs at (replace the 'at' with '.')

Lonnie can be reached at:
Lonnie Hummel
Hornady Manufacturing
800-338-3220 ext 208

Thank you so much for the email! I enjoy ed reading it, I am now very pleased that i have a 22-6mm barrel and I have a action for it. I will take your advice and order a set of those dies, Midway is out of stock and I do a lot of buying from them. There are 2 new sets of Hornady dies for the 22-6mm on ebay, I wonder if they are the same dies that are mentioned in the article?? I am building this rifle for pleasure shooting! I really would hate to bother Lonnie at Hornday to ask such a dumb question!
I have read that the barrel life is real short, and then I read your article and run across very good news, maybe with more research I will figure out how to get good barrel life.
Thanks again
Great Article!!!!
I have a 22 Dasher and I really like it. Don't know about barrel life yet as I have only shot it on one 5 day Pdog hunt. I shot about 500 rounds because that was all the ammo I had loaded. I will take more rounds this year. I have two replacement barrels on hand, just in case.
The laws of physics

There's no free lunch. Some of the super-fast varmint wildcats can shoot out a barrel in one week-end session in a big prairie dog town.

The laws of physics are what they are. Any hot cartridge will wreck a barrel faster than something more conservative. I had two swift barrels that were cactus after 1200 rounds. A friends 22/250 same deal. I still have a .17 rem which is just as bad. But I am willing to put up with its BS because I don't use it a lot and it is great for varmints on small properties. If you can be bothered with barrel burners then use them but I got over them a long time ago.
A number of years ago now I use to go to Wyoming twice each year to fish and to shoot a few dogs. I use to load 1k .223 rounds and use my friend's old Savage , which was a tack driver. Some of the best fun for me was finding where to hold; say 3' high and 2' right or left to hit them way out there. Even at those distances the old Savage would dispatch them readily. I didn't see any need to use anything other than the .223.
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A number of years ago now I use to go to Wyoming twice each year to fish and to shoot a few dogs. I use to load 1k .223 rounds and use my friend's old Savage , which was a tack driver. Some of the best fun for me was finding where to hold; say 3' high and 2' right or left to hit them way out there. Even at those distances the old Savage would dispatch them readily. I didn't see any need to use anything other than the .223.

Pete, did the 223 kill the fish outright or just stun them??;)
Well, I own the barrel no matter if it cooks the barrel in 500 rds or 5000 rds I was just looking for load info from someone that has owned or used one. I am sure that there is that super sweet spot that might not cook the barrel and still have decent ballistics.
I am great full to all of you guys, there may not be any free lunch's but everyone gets a snack!!
Happy Shooting!
Special Thanks to Glenn for all your help!
Greg,it is a great cartridge,very accurate and not a barrel burner as some would think,i shot one over 1500 rounds and it still would print 1/5 inch 5 shots at a 100.
I used reloader 19 and sierra 52 grain bullets,custom bullets will blow up at the 4100 fps if twist is faster than 1-14.
I shot in a 600 yard match using a 6/260,a shooter was seated beside me shooting a 22/6mm rem and beat me bad,he shot 5 targets of less than 1.5 inch average,pretty darn good for a 22,he was using 75 grain bullets.
Thanks for the great info! I am getting more done, I just pulled the barrel out of the lathe, i have the head space set and would love to throw it together to go shoot it, but I will wait!! I don't remember what the twist rate is I think it is 1-12?? I have a 1000 Sierra 52gr.HPBT match bullets that I picked up here 6 months ago planning on shooting them in my 223 Target rifle I built and it is a tac driver!! And nothing wrong with the 223 round except it runs out of gas at 600yds! I am not saying that this broke down old Hippy could ever get close to shooting out to 600yds and beyoned! In my prime not a problem, but now?? I will keep everyone up to date as it goes (REAL SLOW).