Scoville stock


Jeff Youmans
Can someone or two maybe three give me the width of the stock that rides
the rear bag. Is it 1/2 , 5/8 are they all the same .
Can someone or two maybe three give me the width of the stock that rides
the rear bag. Is it 1/2 , 5/8 are they all the same .
Reason for asking I'm thinking of having a bag made and the first thing they ask was width of stock. Gun is on order so I don't have one to measure .
Can someone or two maybe three give me the width of the stock that rides
the rear bag. Is it 1/2 , 5/8 are they all the same .

My Scoville stock measures 1/2". I have 2 bags. My first one is a Mini Gator with a 3/8" spacing, the 2nd is a DR bag with a 1/2" spacing. My scores have been better with the DR bag which the stock rides on the stitching.