Score Match Results - Isabella County Sportsmans Club


Al Walewski
A 100 yard Score Match was held today (6/22/2013) at the Isabella County Sportsmans Club. Thirteen competitors arived at the range ready and willing to ignore the weatherman's predictions and for most of the match we had mild winds and high cloud cover which kept the mirage at bay. Once the firing was complete and the scores tabulated the results are as follows...

In VFS Class:
1st. Dudley Pierce 250-22X
2nd. Al Walewski 250-19X
3rd. Brian Albee 250-18X

Congrats to Dudley on winning the VFS class! Dudley set a scorching pace right out of the gate and continued shooting well for the rest of the match. We both shot on the same relay, Dudley was on the left end of the range while I was on the right. The left side had some 180 degree wind shifts while the right side had between a 9:00 wind to a 12:00 wind. Those on the left had to work for every dot!

Thanks to all of those who attended today's match! The next match will again be a 100 yard Score Match held on July 20th. Gates open at 8:00, firing begins at 10:00. The match fee is $12

Full match results can be viewed in the attachment.


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