Score Match Results - Harrison Sportsmans Club


Al Walewski
The following is the results from a 100 yard Score Match held at the Harrison Sportsmans Club on Saturday 7/06/2013. Tough match. High heat and humidity greeted ten competitors today, two brave souls thought it would be a good idea to shoot two rifles. I believe than in my nine years of working the Harrison matches I've never seen a finish like the one we had today. The top three positions in VFS Class were decided by... Creedmore. The final scores are,

In VFS Class;
1st. Dudley Pierce 250-20X
2nd. Steve Walewski 250-20X
3rd. Brian Albee 250-20x

Dudley beat Steve and Brian in match#1 by 1X, Steve beat Brian in match #3 by 1X. Dudley and Brian were shooting .30BRs, Steve shot a 6PPC.

In Factory Class;
1st. Rob Fairbanks 245-11X
2nd. Charlie Deardoff 244-9X
3rd. Bob Zimmer 244-5X

A tight match in Factory Class also...

Congrats to Dudley and Rob for winning their respective classes! Great match overall today. Our next match will be a Group Match on 7/20/2013. Thanks to all of those who came out to join us today and especially Dick for helping with the registrering of competitors and scoring. Hope to see everyone back on the 20th!

The full match results can be viewed in the attachment.
Al Walewski


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