SC State Championship


david dumas

100 yard Winner Jim Wooten 250-23x
200 yard Winner Lynn Moss 250-13x
Grand Agg Winner Lynn Moss 500-33x
Grand Agg 2nd Place Bill "Bulletman" Scheider
Grand Agg 3rd Place Ronnie Long or Mike Rippey

Not Official yet
We had very tricky conditions at 100 yds, with switches, mirage, and unseen "range gremlins". The scores reflected the conditions.

The 200 yard stage started with heavy mirage and switchy wind, but the conditions let up a bit after the second target. If you were able to make it through these first two targets unscathed (I wasn't :eek:), you had the opportunity to shoot a good score.

100 Yards
1) Jim Wooten 250-23X
2) Buster Long 250-21X
3) Jim Wooten 250-20X
4) Lynn Moss 250-20X
5) Ronnie Long 250-20X

200 Yards
1) Lynn Moss 250-13X
2) Bill Scheider 250-12X
3) Jackie Stoggsdil 250-10X
4) Mike Lucas 250-8X
5)Mike Rippey 250-8X

Grand Agg
1) Lynn Moss 500-33X
2) Bill Scheider 500-31X
3) Ronnie Long 500-28X
4) Mike Rippey 500-27X
5) Jackie Stoggsdil 500-27X

First of all thanks to Palmeto Gun Club and thier members for putting on the match. It was run very well and professonally.
Attendance was great and it was nice to see the folks from North Carolina and Kentucky (i think) there and shooting well.
Congradulations to all the winners. I would like to extend a special and personal congradulation to my friends and shooting partners Lynn Moss and Ronnie Long. Both have worked extremely hard and it was nice to see thier work rewarded.
Though I shot worse than ever before and was extremely frustrated I still had a good.
Thanks again to Palmeto Gun Club and its memebers for making it possible.
It looks like Lighting Jim had two guns working well.
It looks like Lighting Jim had two guns working well.


You would never believe me if I told you what I was shooting in the rifle that I had the better score with at 100 yards (or why I even shot it for that matter). I guess it caught up with me at 200 though, or maybe that was just my bad shooting :eek:.

Nice acrylic-looking "wood" you've got there, the picture they kind of remind me of mirage....

Seriously, those are some very different & cool looking trophies.

I'm dying to find out...

Well, I actually only intended to shoot one rifle. I carried the other as a "backup" in case something happened to the "primary" rifle. I hadn't even loaded any new ammo for the backup rifle, and was intending to shoot left over ammo in case of an emergency. Some was in older lots of brass from last year and some from this year.

On the way to the range I started thinking about what I was going to need to do in the off season, and realized that I needed to empty the old ammo so that I could anneal the brass. I thought "what the heck", I might as well shoot it in the match as a useful way of unloading the odd lots. There were 2 different lots of of powder, 3 lots of bullets, 2 different seating depths, and various neck thicknesses and lengths. Altogether I shot ammo from six different boxes (some boxes had 10-30 loaded rounds, and one box only had 2). This motley conglomeration of loads ended up shooting better than the other carefully loaded rounds in my primary rifle :eek:. The 2 non-X's were agonizingly close to making it a 25X. Go figure :eek:.

I guess I just got a little overconfident, and a LOT impatient at 200 yards, and thought I could hold for some heavy mirage and switchy wind (by now I was running pretty low on ammo for the backup rifle, and had to conserve on the sighters) :(. The conditions, and the "range gremlins" proceeded to show me that I was very wrong, as I dropped a point on my first target with the primary rifle, and on the second target with the backup rifle ;) :D.

Another "learning experience" at the range :D.

Thanks David,
Tough range to shoot at,but well ran match. Match director done a great job:D


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