San Angelo Gun Clubs 1st Registered NBRSA VFS Shoot


wolf gray

We are holding our first Registered VFS Shoot this coming Sunday, June 13th. Match starts at 9:00 am. San Angelo Gun Club is located at 8055 Hwy. 853 (ArdenRoad), just west of the city of San Angelo, Texas. We will shoot VFS & Hunter Class, 100 yard & 200 yard.
Dan Batko
Match Director
Dan has had us working like dogs to fix up the range for the match. We have 12 new benches bringing the total to 20. These are state of the art benches that will equal any at any range in the country. We have extended the 200 yard line of targets. We have cleaned everything up and mowed the weeds so you can see the snakes as they come at you and as a final touch, we air conditioned the firing line.

Well most of that is true and the air conditioned part makes a good story. ;)

Come on over and shoot with us Sunday.

Concho Bill
Workin like dogs.................... more like rented mules!
The range looks great!
See you there!
Since I missed the match (stupid cactus flats), can you post the results? I'm still planning on making your shoot in September since I should be down there dove hunting that weekend.