Saguaro actions

JD Mock

New member
Dr. William Marsh of the Phoenix area has built a new action. The action is similar to the popular Panda but is shortened by 1.0625 inches. In my tests, the rifle built by Gary Ocock has performed superbly. Here are some pictures of it and the groups I have shot trying different loads. James


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Nice looking rifle. Really awsome groups. Hope you post more results with the new action as you get them. Can you give some information about the action. Maybe dimensions on the action. Weight, length.
John, the action is the same width as a Panda but measures 7.5 inches long. The bolt is only 5.5 inches long. Since the action was glued in, I could not weigh it, but the rifle with a 36X Weaver weighed 10.16 pounds. It is lighter than a Panda, but don't know how much. Are you ready for Phoenix yet? James
"The shooters there will be tuff. "
There tuff everywhere, This is one tough game to say the least! Good luck gents!! Lee
Looks like areally nice action . The short actions are really nice, seeing we are always looking to shave a few ounces off a build.
Seeing we are talking about short actions, Any one hear when Stiller will start makeing their cobra short actions again?
I heard he was makeing actions or complete rifles for our government.
They do more than save a little weight. By locating the weight of the barrel more to the rear of the rifle, they have a significant impact on rifle balance, putting more weight on the rear sand bag.